
Evilcookie March 17, 2025 7:53 pm

Does anyone else have a problem reading manga with them in high-school? Specifically yaoi (or anything sexual) ? I'm 25 I found this site when i was 11? Possibly 12. I know i made an actual account when I was 13 (that's when the feature was added). It just feels odd now. I just pretend that they are college kids. Anyone else having this issue? Well i guess it's good thing. I wonder how people are able to even draw this. Cause my face is permanently at a
(⊙…⊙ ) the entire time

    Raga March 17, 2025 8:21 pm

    Oh same (same age), I don't read HS content anymore, it don't find them interesting either. It has to have ages 20+ characters or I never start

    Evilcookie March 17, 2025 9:26 pm
    Oh same (same age), I don't read HS content anymore, it don't find them interesting either. It has to have ages 20+ characters or I never start Raga

    Oh thank god,, i was worried, since everyone in the anime community is really comfortable with that. (Mostly reddit) and i know that I was a teenager and really enjoyed them. It's weird to have that shift. Guess that happens in age.

    PmChivas March 17, 2025 9:30 pm

    I'm much older and although I don't read as much HS yaoi or yaoi as I used too, I never really had an issue with it. HS-->HS isn't a problem as I know realistically teenagers are going to experiment sexually, so reading about it isn't so shocking to me. I may no longer relate to their teen angst, but I can empathize with their budding sexual desires/frustrations and all the feelings that come within that difficult age range.

    My biggest issue is (was) HS -->Adult and it's not just BL/Yaoi, I have this problem with Hetero relationships too. Less about grooming more like: mentally, physically, financially, and sexually you're not in the same place. And, yes, as an author, you could use those points as drama, but I'm not a fan of the power imbalance such relationships will in occur as they try to date one another.

    LGtfo March 17, 2025 9:40 pm

    Nope, I’m a bit younger than you and idrc because they aren’t real. I pretty much agree with PmChivas. Although I did stop reading it because I don’t find the HS setting to be interesting.

    Evilcookie March 17, 2025 9:43 pm
    I'm much older and although I don't read as much HS yaoi or yaoi as I used too, I never really had an issue with it. HS-->HS isn't a problem as I know realistically teenagers are going to experiment sexually... PmChivas

    I definitely can't read if it has an adult with a high-schooler. Super bad vibes. That's a very fair point, teenagers definitely do sexual things, sometimes it just feels like too much. But definitely bad with a power dynamic!

    Evilcookie March 17, 2025 9:49 pm
    Nope, I’m a bit younger than you and idrc because they aren’t real. I pretty much agree with PmChivas. Although I did stop reading it because I don’t find the HS setting to be interesting. LGtfo

    Fair,, I've seen that take a lot. Do you take that thought process with other media? I think too much about how the characters act and feel. Sometimes even look to deeply. I can't seem to turn that off and just enjoy. *Example; I was highly critical over the representation of the gay character in PowerRangers. People hate watching things with me.

    Nerium March 17, 2025 10:23 pm

    I'll read ones with like cute little kisses and stuff if they're highly rated but the second it shows smut or just super sexual situations with someone under 18 I instantly dip out.

    LGtfo March 17, 2025 10:55 pm
    Fair,, I've seen that take a lot. Do you take that thought process with other media? I think too much about how the characters act and feel. Sometimes even look to deeply. I can't seem to turn that off and just... Evilcookie

    Like with live action stuff? Seeing 18+ scenes in live action makes me uncomfortable because I’m ace. For some reason I just don’t feel that way with anime/manga. I tend not to overthink about the media I watch tho.