Comments are giving angry monogamous virgins honestly. Not everyone is uncomfortable with ...

Stype March 17, 2025 5:20 pm

Comments are giving angry monogamous virgins honestly. Not everyone is uncomfortable with ex play partners or fuck buddies still having scenes now and then. The characters are definitely giving nervous but they both consented to it and the bottom is definitely aroused by even being watched. What I'm seeing looks like a pretty normal play scene with an ex involved lol

    krillin wearing sunglasses March 17, 2025 7:22 pm

    Literally ppl are acting as if they didn't consent to this smh. It's clear the ex is tryna mess with them but it's not like he's forcing them to do anything

    Stype March 17, 2025 7:45 pm
    Literally ppl are acting as if they didn't consent to this smh. It's clear the ex is tryna mess with them but it's not like he's forcing them to do anything krillin wearing sunglasses

    Right they weren't forced or blackmailed. Exactly is annoying and toxic but I think it's great if they come out of this without it effecting their relationship. Shows the ex they're fine without him lol

    Mioro March 17, 2025 10:31 pm

    You call this consent?
    This poor guy has been losing years of his life from their bickering, got dragged into a hotel and pressure to play with them while looking extremely uncomfortable with the whole thing yet neither the bottom nor the ex realize or care bc theyre too focused on their petty fight, ofc everyone is upset w this

    Stype March 17, 2025 10:33 pm
    You call this consent?This poor guy has been losing years of his life from their bickering, got dragged into a hotel and pressure to play with them while looking extremely uncomfortable with the whole thing yet... Mioro

    Yes I call consent consent. I'm sorry you don't seem to understand the definition, or are upset that the bottom is clearly enjoying himself despite or because of the situation. The ex is toxic but no one is being forced here. Not hard to understand.

    krillin wearing sunglasses March 18, 2025 5:16 am
    You call this consent?This poor guy has been losing years of his life from their bickering, got dragged into a hotel and pressure to play with them while looking extremely uncomfortable with the whole thing yet... Mioro

    The situation is a bit uncomfortable but they met up with him of their own volition and walked into the room with them, ml stripped of his own will. Maybe due to stubbornness, sure? But this is still consensual. You're allowed to find it uncomfortable though. I don't think the author necessarily wants to reader to be happy about the ex's behavior, and wants the mc to be "in the right". Which is why the scene plays out the way it does.

    Uhh March 19, 2025 3:37 pm
    You call this consent?This poor guy has been losing years of his life from their bickering, got dragged into a hotel and pressure to play with them while looking extremely uncomfortable with the whole thing yet... Mioro

    Yes, it’s very consensual. They’re all grown consenting adults in this scenario. No one forced anyone. They can all say no if they wanted to. There has been no coercion or anything. This is a very straightforward strictly consensual scenario.
    Ml can also easily rescind his consent and there’s no doubt the ex would respect it. Which is probably wats ganna happen with him not allowing the ex a chance to join in.

    Uhh March 19, 2025 3:39 pm

    Real. I actually would have enjoyed a 3p if it officially happens. ML has potential as a switch like the ex said and it woulda been pretty cute. I’m sure they’re ganna get jealous and not let the ex properly join in LOL
    He’s prob getting kicked out soon. That’d be unfortunate.

    Stype March 19, 2025 4:24 pm
    Real. I actually would have enjoyed a 3p if it officially happens. ML has potential as a switch like the ex said and it woulda been pretty cute. I’m sure they’re ganna get jealous and not let the ex properl... Uhh

    Exactly lol People are so used to monogamous life that they flip out of another person is involved in any way as if it harms the main relationship. The ex is so annoying but this will probably push the main couple together even more. But you're totally right about switch energy and I wouldn't have hated them both getting topped haha