I love love this! There’s so much interesting things to look at and I love the dialogue. The scenes where he’s floating in mid air are so incredibly chilling and intense. I love that the author leaves it up to the readers to decide if that really is God or the devil or if he even is God, is he a benevolent or selfish one, we never get the answer “why all this suffering?” For a particular man to achieve transcendence? His dialogue with Michael about if you choose to believe than he is real is focal to how we as readers can choose to believe if the God is real or figment of their imagination. And within the context of the story, whether the MC and Michael choose to believe.
I love love this! There’s so much interesting things to look at and I love the dialogue. The scenes where he’s floating in mid air are so incredibly chilling and intense. I love that the author leaves it up to the readers to decide if that really is God or the devil or if he even is God, is he a benevolent or selfish one, we never get the answer “why all this suffering?” For a particular man to achieve transcendence?
His dialogue with Michael about if you choose to believe than he is real is focal to how we as readers can choose to believe if the God is real or figment of their imagination. And within the context of the story, whether the MC and Michael choose to believe.
The art is also magnifique.