Thatperson March 17, 2025 2:42 pm

This is my 5th time reading this and I still cannot understand the story AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

I usually find other comments around the internet for their interpretations and get mindblown over how subtle and DEEP AND SO GOOD THE PLOT IS IN EVERY STORY <33
So if anyone can interpret the story, pls pls pls reply to this as I really wanna know WHY WHAT HOW HAPPENED.

There may be spoilers below :3

Some questions I had in mind also includes:
1. What is the ¿metaphor?/message of the power? Like what does it really represent? I feel like it really had smth to represent but I cant quite understand.
2. We know that the seme sees the uke as his savior BECAUSE he couldnt read his mind and it was because of him that the seme unlocked his powers. BUT THE THING IS, I CANNOT HNDERSTAND WHY SEME STILL STAYED WITH UKE AND STILL SEES HIM AS HIS SAVIOR (despite losing his powers).
3. Why might be the reasons uke lost his power…? Could it be because he “lost” his will to seek revenge (or lost his hatred) to the seme? Is it smth else? PLEASE TELL ME
4. What did the story tell the reader? Like what is the msg overalll.

5. Are there any mangas like this??? Please reco some.

    Mojooo March 17, 2025 4:12 pm

    1. Imo they don't really represent anything. Just a way to move the plot like the zombies in many zombie apocalypse bl.

    2. In ch. 4 when they were in Katou's room, Oda said, "but then I came to feel even more". Though his feelings may have started simply because he thinks their uniqueness means they are meant for each other, I think he grew genuine feelings for Katou.

    3. (This answer is 100% just me reaching, but I kinda like it anyway)

    So for the first two cases, it went like this:

    - Katou hated his existence → hurt himself → got power.
    - Katou hated Oda → Katou hurt Oda → Oda got the power.

    In order for the power to have a way in, you have to be hated (by someone or yourself) and get hurt (I see getting hurt here as an in/out access for the power).
    It makes sense to me that a strong opposite emotion (from someone or yourself) can take the power away. In this case, Oda loves(????obsesses over?) Katou, and when he graped him, the way out for the power was created.

    4. Not every story has a message, some just wanna mess u up, this one's that, I feel.

    5. I'd like to know too. In the meantime, perusing the obsessive/yandere seme list might be the best bet.

    Thatperson March 18, 2025 12:33 am
    1. Imo they don't really represent anything. Just a way to move the plot like the zombies in many zombie apocalypse bl.2. In ch. 4 when they were in Katou's room, Oda said, "but then I came to feel even more". ... Mojooo


    I also saw an analysis from another site and I loved it so much I wanted to share it.

    User: Xela_Desaulniers
    In my opinion, I find the ending perfect. Now, I understand the confusion but here's my analysis.
    I guess I find everything satisfying up until the end because it realistically portrayed how unhealthy a codependent relationship is, losing autonomy in life as well as the logic and reasoning is being overcome by emotional instability and using their partners as their coping mechanism, unable to differentiate unconditional love from selfish obsession because they treat their partners as sentimental objects rather than a person who's one of the reason of your strength. Katou's experience is hellish, he already had lose his reason to live and think rationally that he decided to kill himself but due to unknown supernatural circumstances, he couldn't proceed to die, which is more devastating imo
    not to mention he can hear other people's thoughts that is against his will therefore it's more excruciating in his situation. Though I like to think this isn't something an unusual phenomenon but rather a portrayal of what mental illness is. Katou clearly shows signs of severe depression because he gives zero shit of what's happening to him now, hell he gives zero shit Oda is raping him nor has any fucks given for not attending school. As for Oda, not sure what type of mental illness he has but base on researching, it could be schizophrenia due to he's so disconnected to the people around him and lacks interest in most things, heck he doesn't even remember he bullied Katou and he's the reason why Katou became depressed. Oda suddenly became aware of hearing other people's thoughts when he really doesn't care about them but because of that, it gave him more reason not to trust them due to it's their "true nature" (another sign of symptoms of schizophrenia, becoming suspicious of other people and having delusions). I'd like to think the reason Oda thinks Katou is "special" and stated that he finally met a "human being" is because he found someone who is also as mentally fucked up as he is, the reason for this is because I also experienced a "connection" whenever I'm with people who also experience the same thing as I am, or maybe not exactly the same experience but someone who somehow understands or knows exactly what I've been through. Oda asking "can you hear the voices?" or something like that I forgot the exact words but you get what I mean lmao, can also be interpreted as "are you crazy as I am?" or "are you as fucked up as I am?" or "do you know exactly how that feels for me to depend on you heavily?" (I know, weird choice of words but let's say I'm also using my experience here as well as my knowledge in regards to mental illness)
    and Katou confirming it just cause Oda to find "hope" in someone else who is also as fucked up as he is, giving him the wrong idea that Oda CAN depend on Katou and would not need anyone other than him only. Katou isn't really THAT fucked up but due to his depression and his lack of interest in everything as well as he is suicidal too, he doesn't care anymore, as seen in previous chapters where he stated he had "died", where his heart has been taken out from his chest, which can be implied as "numbness" or "detachment" or "apathy", which is why he doesn't care anymore when he's with Oda, he's aware he doesn't like him, but like I said, he doesn't care anymore because that's what severe depression do to you, not giving a single fuck anymore and just go with it. Though due to this, being used to Oda and his pampering, his hatred towards him is being overlapped with "love" which he soon become emotional dependent on Oda, making the repetitive occasions and treatment he receives become his comfort. As for Oda, finding his "savior" in his damn "delusions" and detachment to people made him very dependent on Katou, getting rid of anyone in Katou's life because he prolly think Katou doesn't need anyone other than Oda or Oda doesn't want to be left alone in his solitude anymore, or could be both, which is why he prefers Katou not having any job or any connections with other people and have him just stay in their home just so he can keep him forever and only to his alone. Oda may seem fine at the first few chapters but I'd like to think the truck hitting him can be a sign that he was hit by reality that this is gonna be his normal life (being used by other people, being detached, having everything spoonfeed him, etc) and had gotten so tired of everything that his sanity was "mildly injured" (previous chapter it stated he didn't die and just mildly injured) and it became severe when Katou, who claims to have attempted to murder him, spend more time with Katou and Katou confirmed he also "hear the voices", which he claimed to be his "savior" because he's no longer alone anymore.
    In conclusion, they're both fucked up lmao. I don't think they love each other but rather Katou is just heavily attached to Oda due to the days he spend time with him became a normal thing to him and we all find comfort in things that have become our normal things, right? Basically that's Katou's situation. As for Oda, he's just obsessed with him, he didn't really love him, he just love the idea that he's no longer alone and he has his savior by his side and nothing matters. Basically, they use "love" to cover up both what they're feeling or perhaps they really don't know what love is, and claim it is love. Everyone has a different definition of what love is, which makes it more confusing because it is a subjective topic, therefore anyone can claim what they feel can be considered as "love" because they were "happy" in the end and would disagree with my statement, and it's fine because I also think that reason is valid, it's just in my case they just don't love each other and see them as a perfect example of what codependent relationship is. If you reached this end of my analysis, thank you for taking your time to read I guess lmao. Anyways, that's all, gonna rate this manga 10/10 because it is enjoyable and I really love the plotline.

    Mojooo March 18, 2025 4:08 am
    Hi! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS! I also saw an analysis from another site and I loved it so much I wanted to share it.User: Xela_DesaulniersIn my opinion, I find the ending perfect. Now, I unde... Thatperson

    I like that, but he defo didn't have his heart taken out in the dream. It's just his bleeding wrist.