How I think the story gonna be like after ch 50: so Yk og story is about ml killing all be...

aboni_06 March 17, 2025 2:29 pm

How I think the story gonna be like after ch 50: so Yk og story is about ml killing all beasts after beasts nearly destroyed the whole empire then ml gets rids of them all and returns back to the empire and gets rids of queen and annoying novels.

So I think fl & ml gonna continue roaming around and killing beasts and they’ll find out a way to connect to the dragon cuz Yk the lake scene where they found the dragon’s energy. So fl & ml gonna get popular cuz of their good deeds and commoners will like them a lot and when the beast situation gets bad fl & ml works together to save the empire. The duke will hear about them as if he’s the second ml and we’ll see some scenes of fl & duke together etc. At some point ppl will know fl can use all elelment magic and ppl will find out the tattoo Mathod she used so she’ll be known as a genius so mage will be able ti cast spell quickly then fl gets a nobel title for her contribution to the empire and fl & ml works together to get rid of queen and her followers. Fl will get an important position in the mage tower and ml & fl’s sweet romance gonna spread and then they’ll get married living happily ever after

    aboni_06 March 17, 2025 2:30 pm

    We might see some scenes where og fl comes and be a bitch cuz she got white hair

    aboni_06 March 17, 2025 2:33 pm

    Oh and I forgot to mention the confession scene. I bet there’ll be a scene where fl/ml gets close to death when dealing with the beasts and then they get closer blah blah and later on queen will try to harm fl during the war of thrones but fl is strong asf and will get away easily by flying around and beating ppl with plants and firing ppl like chicken roasts. During the war between queen and ml over the throne, his uncle gonna help them and we might see family moments