i didn’t even read this specific one but based off who the artist is, i can assume it’s gonna be just about the same as the other stories as you said. there are so many other ppl complaining just as i am so idk why it’s such a big deal. let’s not forget this is a comment section, i can write what i want just as you can ^^

You're saying people don't need to read the manhwa to form an opinion on it, which I guess is true, but plenty of the people coming ARE reading it and are coming here with an inexplicable urge to complain even though it does absolutely nothing. I will always believe that most of the hate-readers are either 1. sporting the most confused denial boner of all time, or 2. engaging in some kind of terminally online self harm by reading something that disturbs and upsets them. I questioned your motives for even bothering to come and comment since you feel so vehemently about it and know from experience what kind of story it is lol. Most people just stay the fuck away from stuff they hate unless they're addicted to ragebait.

people are going to complain about stories either way whether they’re good or not because guess what? that’s the point of comment sections! people know it does nothing, but they like to share their opinions like the majority of the people in this world do. some people genuinely hate manhwas and not for the reasons you’re suggesting. i hate their work simply because they recycle the same dogshit stories each time, in MY opinion. doesn’t mean i’m coming back to read it each time because i have some sort of secret love for it, not that i have to explain myself to you. people can feel and react certain ways and it doesn’t mean they’re hiding what they really feel about it. please have this same energy with everyone else who’s hating on this story in the comments cause it’s odd
fucking hate anything made by or associated with this author & artist