I HATEEE the teacher so much omg!! I get how they’re all bystanders and yeah they didn’t do shit but the teacher is a whole nother story.. he saw it happen right in front of him yet didn’t do anything to do so he doesn’t deserve to be a teacher like EVERRR not only that he tried to do some “righteous” stuff for that young-ho kid and I full heartingly believe he should’ve been held responsible too
I HATEEE the teacher so much omg!! I get how they’re all bystanders and yeah they didn’t do shit but the teacher is a whole nother story.. he saw it happen right in front of him yet didn’t do anything to do so he doesn’t deserve to be a teacher like EVERRR not only that he tried to do some “righteous” stuff for that young-ho kid and I full heartingly believe he should’ve been held responsible too