Seo Lee Yeon:
At age 17 she is kicked out by her family. Chooja and her husband (Lee Yeon’s calls him uncle) take her in and love her as if she were their own. Her uncle has cancer so Chooja and him spent a lot of time at the hospital leaving her home alone. She’d pass her time sitting under a tree she called the ‘singing tree’ because whenever she was there she’d hear someone play the cello in a distance. She wanted to know who the person playing was and would leave post it notes behind but never received a response. One day she hears a crying woman knocking on her door asking for help. She was being chased by men so Lee Yeon opens the door and hides her for a month. During this month, the woman wouldn’t speak or eat due to depression. One day the woman hands Lee Yeon a poster and demands she calls the phone number. Lee Yeon realizes it’s a missing persons poster of her w a $20,000 cash reward for anyone who turns her in. Lee Yeon hesitates to call the number but is reassured by the woman. She tells Lee Yeon she misses her son and wants to go back to see him one last time. So she calls and waits for the men to pick Jooha up. Meanwhile Jooha remembers and tells Lee Yeon to dig under her favorite tree so she does and finds a classical CD holding all of the songs she heard the mysterious person play as she sat under the tree. Lee Yeon refuses to take the $20,000 cash reward, she finds out the money was transferred to her uncle’s hospital bill and believes it was the woman who had payed it but it was actually Kiseok.
Kwon Chaewoo:
At age 3 he was kidnapped by Kiseok’s music teacher named Yoon Jooha who was 21 y/o at the time. She wanted revenge for what the Kwon family had done to her at age 10 (she was experimented on illegally by a pharmaceutical company owned by the Kwons). Instead of hurting the 3 y/o she gets attached and raises him w love in Austria where she teaches him the Cello. Chaewoo became a very talented cellist during his stay in Austria but unfortunately they were found out and had to go into hiding again. So they fled to Hwaido and hid inside a small house deep in the mountains when he was 13. Chaewoo wasn’t allowed to go out and talk to others so he stayed home 24/7 most of the time. Everyday he’d see a silly pretty girl cry under a tree down the hill. He took this chance to play the cello for her every time she was there and enjoyed it because to him she was his only audience. He looked forward to seeing her everyday and whenever she wasn’t there he’d sneak out and take the post it notes she’d leave behind. They are found out again and chased in the forest by the Kwon guards, Chaewoo wanted to save his mother so he tells her to go down the hill where the pretty girl lives to ask her for help, he also tells his mom to tell the girl to dig under her favorite tree because he had hid a classical CD as a gift for her. So Jooha goes downhill as told and Chaewoo is taken back to the Kwon family.
After a month goes by, Kiseoks tells Chaewoo his “mother” had died in a car accident. Chaewoo gets depressed and stops playing the cello. He starts working in the family business and gets addicted to violence.
Years go by and he finds out Kiseok had been lying to him about how his mother actually died and threatens to kill him. Kiseok held Jooha captive in a basement under Chaewoo’s room and told Jooha he’d feed her each time Chaewoo played the cello, unfortunately this is around the time he had given up the cello so she starved to death. Kiseok tells Chaewoo that a girl named Lee Yeon was the one who had sold his “mother” back to him for the $20,000 cash reward. Chaewoo spares Kiseok for now. He is sent to Hwaido by Kiseok’s order. In Hwaido, he redirects his anger to a man and as as he’s trying to bury him he hears a woman and chases after her. He realizes it’s Lee Yeon and before he could decide what to do w her he is hit in the head repeatedly by the man he attempted to bury.

We’re currently on ch 35 in the manhwa if u want to read from there
I recommend reading the reply below first explaining Lee Yeon and Chaewoo’s past and how they’re connected to each other.
Story should be renamed “everybody hates Kiseok” tbh
Things u need to know:
-the Kwons are a gangster affiliation involved in numerous illegal activities behind the scenes, like drugs, child abuse, human traff!ck!ng, etc etc etc.
-Kwon KiSeok has been calling Lee Yeon once a month to check in. He knows everything, man’s got eyes everywhere.
-silly guy Jang BeomHee has been planting Chaewoo’s favorite things around in secret to try and trigger his memories somehow, it’s not working.
-BeomHee has a situationship with a fierce charismatic woman named Joo Dong Mi
-Gyubaek is such a silly billy, such a goated character fr
Kwon are 4 brothers in total
•Kwon Kiseok = head of Kwon family, evil Larry
•Kwon Heejoon = Hacker, cut ties w the Kwon family-> elementary school teacher, goofy goober and number #1 Kiseok anti
•Kwon ? = a rich entrepreneur, cut ties w the Kwon family, #2 Kiseok anti
•Kwon Chaewoo = head of the anti Kiseok movement. ex-cellist -> Kwon racketeer and torturer -> cellist once again
Basically Lee Yeon slowly begins to fall in love w Chaewoo but is still very hesitant.
Throughout the story, Chaewoo will begin to experience triggering headaches caused by things connecting to his memories/past, specifically to things relating to string music/the cello.
Lee Yeon slowly begins to open up to Chaewoo but doesn’t start to deeply fall for him after an incident where they both get captured by drug manufacturers, Lee Yeon is in denial about her feelings for Chaewoo so she goes on blind dates but quickly realizes she wants to be w him. They have sex for the first time.
They become more like a couple after this. And Chaewoo is still a flirtatious horny mf lmao
Things will happen throughout the story like Lee Yeon and Chaewoo being attacked by a Wild Boar, captured by drug manufacturers, the tournaments, landslide incident, etc etc etc.
In the Landslide incident, after Chaewoo gets Lee Yeon into safety he is dragged and knocked out by the force of the landslide. He regains consciousness as the real Kwon Chaewoo and is confused as to where he is and is very cautious. Lee Yeon hits him in the head and pleads for her husband to comeback. He faints and wakes up in the hospital as Husband Chaewoo and they have non stop hospital sex.
They go back to their usual routine, Chaewoo starts working at a Wildlife Rescue Center.
The Spirit Tree: this is where things start to go south.
Lee Yeon has a challenge to cure a sick historical tree named The Spirit Tree that is worshipped by the townspeople. A Shaman stares down Lee Yeon causing her to feel uneasy so they head home. They return the next day and Lee Yeon performs surgery on the tree while a crowd of angry people watch. Chaewoo is also in the crowd and notices the same Shaman staring at him. He starts to get one of those recurring triggering headaches after the Shaman mumbles something from far, the shaman gets closer to Chaewoo and tells him “you’ll be back tonight”. He starts to feel unwell but pushes his discomfort back and proceeds to gift Lee Yeon a wood carving of a Flower.
Lee Yeon planned on telling Chaewoo the truth about how they really met when they returned home but Chaewoo immediately went to sleep. He doesn’t wake up the next morning to Lee Yeon’s surprise and slept for a month.
A month goes by, Chaewoo wakes up after having dreamt about his past. He comes back as the real Chaewoo and he looks around hazily. He goes to Beomhee’s house and demands a full rundown off the past 2 years. Once he’s caught up he is disgusted by Lee Yeon. He decides to continue the husband act until he gathers more information regarding Lee Yeon, Kiseok and his mother’s death.
He’s self medicating in order to remain awake.
Lee Yeon and Chaewoo’s relationship during this time is very up and down. Chaewoo is internally fighting w himself a lot, he’s very hostile towards Lee Yeon but he also can’t help but love and feel attracted to her at the same time. Which makes it really difficult for him to act as her Husband. Lee Yeon can tell there’s something off w Chaewoo and notices how distant he is, she knows he’s been putting up an act but decides to play along as well because she loves him.
Chaewoo’s body eventually reaches his limit after a week of staying awake and finally decides it’s time to leave. Lee Yeon prepares an orchestra as a surprise for Chaewoo, when Chaewoo arrives he walks up to a cellist and grabs the cello just to smash it. He taunts Lee Yeon and makes her cry. He brings up his mom and blames Lee Yeon for selling her back to the Kwon family causing her death. They break up and Chaewoo is taken back to the Kwon residence. Gyubaek is accidentally kidnapped after some Kwon guards trash Lee Yeon’s yard.
Days go by and Lee Yeon is still incredibly depressed and the spirits tree had died. It was poisoned and she knows Chaewoo had something to do with it.
She starts feeling better after talking to her friend Joo Dong Mi (A woman who worked w Chaewoo in the Wildlife rescue center, she was hooking up w BeomHee and he ghosted her lol).
Lee Yeon finds out she’s 12 weeks pregnant and decides to move on. She plans a funeral for Chaewoo and buries the wood flower carving he had gifted her and bids him goodbye.
Lee Yeon contacts Kiseok and demands he give back Gyubaek, he negotiates w her and they both come to an agreement. Lee Yeon is to serve 1 month of her gardening skills in order to get Gyubaek back so she goes to the Kwon Residence.
Chaewoo had been in a deep sleep and finally wakes up after a month and immediately tries to look for his wife but immediately remembers he was back home and isn’t w Lee Yeon. He begins to experience internal conflict as he struggles w his identity as the real Chaewoo and the husband Chaewoo.
He decides to not sleep for as long as he can again and begins to hallucinate a sleeping Lee Yeon wherever he goes.
Lee Yeon arrives to the Kwon main house and Chaewoo mistakes her as a hallucination but quickly realizes it’s actually her and thus begins the most delicious angsty slow burn I’ve read in a long time lol.
Chaewoo is very impatient and slightly rough w Lee Yeon at first and Lee Yeon is very strict and stands her ground.
Chaewoo gets more and more pathetically desperate the more Lee Yeon rejects him, especially after he finds out she’s pregnant (he decides to act like he doesn’t know and waits for her to tell him instead out of respect for her).
He finally accepts his love for her and tries his best to be patient w her, as difficult it is to keep his hormones in check whenever he’s around her.
A lot of things happen during this time too. Sex party, shootings, etc. all while Chaewoo is actively trying to take Kiseok down w the help of his other hot older brother, Kwon Heejoon.
Lee Yeon is forced to accompany Kiseok to an event introducing a new drug. Chaewoo accidentally takes this drug and trips out. Lee Yeon witnesses him cry and talk to hallucinations of his mom and of Lee Yeon expressing his sorrow and regrets.
After witnessing Chaewoo’s drugged up confessions, Lee Yeon decides to give him an impossible task. He has to find a way to fix the Spirit Tree he had killed. If he finds a way to fix the problem then she’d accept him back in her life. Days go by and it’s Lee Yeon’s last day in the Kwon residence. Chaewoo finally comes up w a solution for the dead Spirit tree. He meets Lee Yeon outside in the rain and passionately plays the cello for her for the very first time since his mother’s death. He cries and hugs the instrument and vows to play forever in place of the dead Spirit tree. Lee Yeon accepts and they get back together. And it’s so cute it’s probably my favorite moment.
Another incident happens when Lee Yeon returns to Hwaido w Gyubaek on a boat, Lee Yeon is hurt after being kidnapped but all goes well with the help of Gyubaek, BeomHee, Heejoon, guard dogs and ofc Chaewoo.
Chaewoo manages to take over as head of the Kwon Business (he locked Kiseok in a basement lol) and lives in Hwaido w Lee Yeon. As promised, he plays the cello in the exact spot where the Spirit Tree once stood. He wants to marry Lee Yeon but Lee Yeon is reluctant and rejects him. She just wants to date for now.
BeomHee and Dong Mi are an official couple and are no longer a situationship yippie, Gyubaek is Chaewoo’s wingman it’s funny, Chooja disapproves of Chaewoo but is willing to accept after Chaewoo offers his 3rd older brother to her lmao, They’re expecting a baby girl, Chaewoo takes care of housework and is experiencing Sympathetic Pregnancy symptoms….and yes Chaewoo is still a horny mf
Chaewoo plans a baby shower for Lee Yeon. Gyubaek is excited to be a big brother (no they don’t adopt him but they might as well) and writes a book for baby Namwoo (she’s not born yet). End.