im veing flash banged every chapter bro why is this guy doing the boomboom powpow thristthrust ahhhh thing every chaoter i swear i thjnk i kight vrashout 99% of this was this guy banging the living daylights out of this guy im ginna crahsout anyway its nit that bad i actially kinda like the plot for this one and im excited for the next chapters but like pls stop doing the devils tango every time you guys alone thanks
im veing flash banged every chapter bro why is this guy doing the boomboom powpow thristthrust ahhhh thing every chaoter i swear i thjnk i kight vrashout 99% of this was this guy banging the living daylights out of this guy im ginna crahsout anyway its nit that bad i actially kinda like the plot for this one and im excited for the next chapters but like pls stop doing the devils tango every time you guys alone thanks