it piss me off when ppl say “heesoo isn’t a bad person he’s just been thru sm” so ...

remi❀ March 17, 2025 4:56 am

it piss me off when ppl say “heesoo isn’t a bad person he’s just been thru sm” so has taekyung? it’s an explanation to his actions never an excuse lmao ik very well it’s easier said than done to even acknowledge/be aware that there might be something wrong w you & to even seek professional help but cmon,, heesoo is very morally wrong w what he’s doing rn & some of u want to be completely oblivious.. yes ik what empathy is weeps to add on, taekyung obviouslyyy isn’t perfect! in s1 he wanted to leave heesoo, who was abused, vulnerable, & an unstable teenager bc he was scared which is fair but he had also become very involved in his life & failed to realize the severity of heesoo’s state of mind. he was the only reliable (per say..) adult in heesoo’s life & prob should’ve reconsidered his decision but does that mean he deserved to be stripped from his human rights bc of it? no
