
Also, MC's way of hiding is so Parasite-coded!!! There's also a panel with the couch overseeing the pool, that looked the same framing with couch overseeing the family's lawn. Idk maybe its just me.
PLUS, why does Saein's forehead on slight side views looks unnatural and AI-assisted (so I started counting their fingers lol, its 5 and 5). It looked hydrocephalic, while ML has well defined forehead in any angle.
Lmao I cant agree more with the T/N on pregnancy like he's a prosecutor he supposed to be smart but he actually... dumb "... No way No way..."
And wow MC cant even complete his plan to get away... because voila! He thought his pregnancy is stable but is actually not?? And then he gets to share the pain of his bondmaster?? Is that both ways?? I dont think so, it's always the omega who suffers. This is why I hate ABO. As if we dont get enough headache irl, they have to create omegaverse (but here I am??)