Wtf so he slept with the priest again?! I know he’s probably playing along so he can fin...

happyggm March 17, 2025 3:15 am

Wtf so he slept with the priest again?! I know he’s probably playing along so he can find Primus, but ugh was that necessary. And what excuse could he have possibly used for the priest to take him back???? Their bond or contract was broken. This time skip is annoying & adding more to the confusion. Like how many days has it been. Cuz okay he stabbed himself and then what? Waited for the seme for days?? And then he learned the priest caught him, but who told him. That other vampire. So then what did he beg the priest to take him back.

This was fucken stupid, he stabbed himself cuz he didn’t want the seme to kill the priest for him. But cuz of his mistake not only did the seme get caught, but he had to sleep with the priest again!!!!! Like ugh this uke be so naive sometimes
