It’s just an example. Certain fictional characters look young or like they could be minors, and this law will affect that. This is why as much as I understand why some people are supporting, I myself do not. Because the legislation is being sneaky, not specifying boundaries, and also planning on going after things that are stupid and not even pedophilic (like characters that THEY personally think look too young)

I dont know much ab this since im not from the US, but this is the issue with censorship on fictional things of any kind, bc i get what its going for, but the reality is that they will put whatever they dont like under "obscene" and get it removed, some of the first ones to go are queer media and pieces on racism etc. Just look at the censorship thats going on in China, they deem queer relationships as immoral and so they censor it to death.
Its why, even though theres a lot of stuff i HATE seeing in fiction like lolicon, incest, etc. I just choose to avoid it, cuz censorship backfires so, so bad

I agree. There are also things I personally dislike that I don’t think people should go to jail for. If someone likes reading incest or whatever, I don’t like it but I don’t think someone should go to jail. Even more horrible things in fiction. If a real person isn’t being hurt by the media (as in, not based off a real person and it can’t be proved that it made someone do something) then I do not think it warrants prison time.

I agree, i think there should be nuance with that, cuz just bc someone might create or read something it it doesnt mean theyre like that. Bad people exist regardless of the media they consume, i dont think its fair to make a generalization over something like that, horrible ppl are everywhere. Also i know that some people who read certain things are/were victims of it irl and it has to do with how they cope, just shows that its not black and white
In theory, the bill is good and I understand where it’s coming from. The basis of the bill I agree with. But there are certain parts I don’t agree with. Basically, this bill is meant to combat the sexualization of minors in visual fiction and lolicon and shotacon. Like in anime, manwha, manga, video games etc. However, the bill says anything “obscene” of a minor could be banned. And characters that LOOK like they could be a minor could be illegal and banned too. Even if the age is unknown or in canon they are 18+. These parts I do not agree with.
Basically, someone could see Chuuya from BSD. They say, hey he looks like a minor! Then say any sexual art of him is illegal. Then also say his characterization is “obscene”. Now the anime is banned and any sexual/suggestive art of Chuuya is too. And if you get caught owning and watching BSD,
liking and possessing NSFW art of him, etc. you could go to jail. Even though Chuuya in canon is like 20+.
For the obscene thing, the definition is very broad. Something as simple as kissing could be classified as obscene.
I agree with this law to the extent of a 100% confirmed fictional minor being obviously sexualized or in explicit sexual scenes. But I do not agree with the rest of this laws parameters. The definitions are too broad, certain cases are way too subjective, it just becomes a slippery slope. Any story or art with sex where a character’s age isn’t stated/known, any story/art where the state says the character “looks too young” to them could be banned and those owning it and reading/watching it could go to jail. Even in cases where material is not sexual. Most video games, anime, manwha, etc. could probably fall under this. Almost every manwha on this site too, especially in BL with all the twinks.
They’ll take one look at Hyesung, Kim Dan, Lee Youngjin from origin of species, anyone else and probably say they all “look to young” and are too feminine and anyone owning and reading manwha with them or enjoying fan art are criminals and pedos. They will see Bleach, Deathnote, etc. and say what the minors are doing is too obscene or something and then any connection with those two series will be banned too. This also makes series where there are time skips, characters age up, etc. and any art of characters from those series liable to being banned and illegal too.
I only agree with this law if it’s about fan art, series, etc. with minors in fiction that are definitely confirmed to be one. Not just suspecting they are a minor or personal opinion on how old they look. I also only agree if the material has blatant sexualization and/or full on sex scenes of the confirmed minors. Not situations where a character simply kisses someone their own age, drinks alcohol, makes a dirty joke or whatever.
These are my thoughts on it. Idk if anyone else has heard about the bill or what they might think though.