Thank you. I’m on my knees, hands clasped.
Even if they’re all the same Owens: Main Owen, they aren’t exactly the same. Of course they are interconnected with desires and attraction towards Nux, but they all have different personalities. I personally see the other Owens as Main Owen’s other aspects and desires. Sorry if it didn’t make sense!
And it would’ve been 100% better if there was little to no jealousy. I can’t rest or read in peace due to the jealousy, I get concerned because the jealousy can hurt self and relationship. If Main Owen was jealous or insecure due to his body because postpartum, that makes sense but I don’t want it dragged on, you know?
It would be refreshing to have the MLs be okay with sharing their partner, getting along a bit is good too. But that’s just my opinion. Of course not all partners have to get along, it would help with the dynamic and vibes though.
In vociferous defence of polygamy:
1. The main reason this manga was even read by 99% of the readers was because of the premise of the 5 Owens.
2. It wasn't just about the 5 Owens-- it was the devotion of the 5-Owens.
3. If some people feel that these Owens have an independent existence apart from the main Owen, then wtf make this manga in the 1st place? Just write a manga about 5 quinteplets & be done with it.
4. By making main Owen posssessive & jealous with no other feelings but that, We are seeing a rehash of monogamous drama that we see in every yaoi manga created on this earth. How awfully mediocre is that!
5. The main pulling factor of this manga is the 5 Owens & the unique possibilities it offers to such a polygamous relationship. But it seems we are now descending to boring monogamy again.
6. The author wrote this jealous ml, going the route of every other yaoi manga author before him/her & now we have another clichéd yaoi monogamy manga #-.-)
7. Finish the damn 5 Owens premise with guts & glory !