I can see how there's two side to what could happen in the next chapter he just literally means sleep or they might get a little frisky.
I think cuddles and literally sleep with a little bit of intensity.
But the wiggle room to it being smutty time could be the conversation they had about the ring finger and what he wants in a romantic partner and maybe in that moment of Jiwoo telling him he believed him about his past that he is happy he opened up to him and that's when it clicked to Guwon.
Guwon wants him as his romantic partner everything he said he wanted really clicked in that moment so why not him? And wham bam it get steamy lol.
Just my thoughts.
I can see how there's two side to what could happen in the next chapter he just literally means sleep or they might get a little frisky.
I think cuddles and literally sleep with a little bit of intensity.
But the wiggle room to it being smutty time could be the conversation they had about the ring finger and what he wants in a romantic partner and maybe in that moment of Jiwoo telling him he believed him about his past that he is happy he opened up to him and that's when it clicked to Guwon.
Guwon wants him as his romantic partner everything he said he wanted really clicked in that moment so why not him? And wham bam it get steamy lol.