Callisto and Eckles are right, but Reynold (lil bro) is fraternal love (pink), Winter (magician) is something like scared love, like he likes Penelope but is afraid to show (purple), and Derrick (old bro) is first love (yellow), which is complicated bc they were raised as siblings - that's why when Penelope calls him brother, his likeness drops!

If I remember, for Winter, it's not just "scared love", it's regret about the past, also knowing it's an impossible love because of those regrets he'll always have (which is actually the normal mode, the constant misjudging of Penelope that leads to her death, which put the world into a disaster without any hopes to be saved because Penelope was the only hope)

reretful love is more accurate its cuz A shes a minor n hes a adult b he always she coldheartedly cuts ppl out regardles of its love or partnership its very complex emotions
of wizards curiousiy pssessiveness regret in knowing from start he'll have to let her go the interedt from the new things she does and trust for saving lion and the kids all collectively done
and not easy to out down as simple live
Can someone pls remind me what was the meaning behind the colour of each character?
I think I remember Callisto's was true love, Penelope's slave/knight was obsessive love and Reynold's was sth like first love, but I can't remember the others.