You didnt understand the comment, then don’t comment. I didn’t say he had trauma because of fetishes. I said it was healthy communication and explained so well and then oh no, another traumatic experience that was so obviously going to happen instead of just going with the flow of helping one person get over experience. Now have to follow one going with a new experience and another getting over his fear of commitment because of now formed past experience. Yes all too common for the community but at this point it’s just predicted. Bdsm with the straight mangas don’t all have the trauma just the experience, can’t have one yaoi without it.

The feelings and trauma of dominants in particular is something that's very very often ignored and overlooked, or their shitty behavior is explained away by "trauma". Seeing a dominant experience trauma I relate to is refreshing, as is seeing any dominant be healthy after trauma. He made that choice and I respect him even more for it. The world isn't all about healing the submissives or putting up with the dominants shitty behavior because of trauma. Sometimes they both have trauma and heal together because they made the choice to try and stay healthy. I like this comic.

You haven’t read enough of these to see it repeats again and again. Sorry you like to experience the same thing over again. You probably don’t like change much and fall into the line of your own comfort. Life isn’t this boring or predictable and if you can’t take someone else’s opinion you probably don’t get out much. Don’t attack my character because you don’t like me point out something I saw a trend in. You think I’m boring and have issues you’re the one reading it too. And had to comment attacking a person for being observant.
I was liking this new sexual experience healthy boundary and communication but do we always need a tragic backstory with it?