it can be found pretty easily by looking up ballboy tactics on novelupdates & then searching from there (or by just googling ‘ballboy tactics novel’)! ^^ i don’t feel comfortable sharing the link myself because of the translators’ policies, my apologies.
i do very much recommend reading it because, while the manhwa is cute, i do think it’s kind of a wooden adaptation so far & i don’t like how it snipped out my favourite little scene (nor do i like some of the tweaks it’s made like giving jiwon his baseball cap instead of the bucket hat he was wearing when he got spotted going to jungwoo’s, which covered more of his head & made him being mistaken as a girl a bit more plausible. or moving the number 17 scene from when jungwoo was sick to them being in the car). it also gives a lot more insight into jiwon’s perspective and just How negative and quick he is to give up, which are really crucial for understanding why he acts the way he does. so i def recommend reading it!
IT LOOKS LIKE THE MANHWA SNIPPED OUT ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BITS OF THE NOVEL… while they’re in the car Jungwoo pretends his hand went numb from gripping the steering wheel too hard so he asks Jiwon to hold hands & then laments that he should’ve asked Jiwon to meet at 8 instead of 8:30 so they could’ve held hands longer. it’s sooooooo so so cute this is so sad