
I'm embarrassingly versed (and unemployed) on omegaverse but don't quote me on this
;omega males sperm is too weak 99% of the time to do any impregnating so theyre usually the ones preg BUT it is possible for an omega to turn into an alpha and vice versa through "bitching" so if the male omega bones the female one enough he'll begin to show the traits of an alpha or whatever and she'll get preg probably (might be missing info but I hope this helps fr)
And now I'm curious as it only me?
So we've read omegaverse stories where an omegaxomega can get pregnant too.
So going into bL omegaverse
As far as I knw an omega male a womb......plusss he has a *ick too
So imagine if an omega male and an omega female can get pregnant bcoz of the omega male's sperm
Then wtf? Won't the omega male also get preggo by his own sperm?!
I mean yes alpha knots omega n omega gets preggo but imagine a male omega can't knot but can get an omega female get preggo plus-
An omega male is the same as a female....
And so now imagine..... SPERM is use for fertilizing with the eggs to reproduce
Meanwhile an omega male has a womb that contains eggs
So wtf
Wtf am i imagining and thinking in the middle of the night