You're so real for this, people are so quick to assume things especially when we haven't been shown all the flashbacks. ML was so depressed with things happening with Doha and also his abusive dad made it even worse. And even without spoilers, you can literally see that ML can't dump Doha from his reactions after Doha ignored him for a very brief moment

though the hate is misdirected, isn't ml the one who initiated the whole fwb situation? mc was opposed to it at first as he didn't want to be one of ml's "friends". MC didn't try to waltz back into his life and make it seem like nothing happened before, as you said he already felt guilty about shit that happened before

MC was the one that pushed for it the first time they agreed to do it. By “waltzing back into his life and make it seem like nothing happened before” I mean the MC not speaking about what happened in the past and then proceeding with the fwb situation, wanting to eventually be boyfriends with him and confess to him, without having a proper conversation as to why he left him before. Having guilt doesn’t equal = not making it seem like it happened before. He had guilt on his own but chose not to speak about it until later

i get what you mean but with someone suggesting fwb 10 years later to the breakup, wouldn't the person think they are already over that situation? (specially considering that person is having regular hookups, he doesn't know that EVERYONE ml has been with was casual), mc wouldn't know he's still that hung up on the past AT FIRST when accepting the fwb situation (specially cus it's not like mc broke up without a word or just disappeared, tho ofc they couldn't have had a good conversation since they were teens back then), he ofc dealt with the situation later with the help of their friends when he realised just how much the past was haunting the ml

I feel like it’s just basic communication that everyone should communicate their past issues before ever agreeing to be in a relationship, situationship, or fwb.
MC ended things with ML on a bad note, doing it right after people got physically hurt. MC wasn’t totally unaware in the beginning as he did think ML wasn’t coming back home due to him (which was correct). I feel like no matter if MC thinks ML got over it cause of the fwb suggestion, MC should have made sure to clear everything up if MC wanted to start a new relationship with ML. Even when they were in the middle of being fwb and MC was wishing and hoping for their relationship to be official and confess, he should have at least thought to have a convo about the past then. Also when there was flashback to when ML moved, MC remembered regretting it and believing he was the reason ML left school. That’s not exactly something I would brush under the rug just cause ML wanted to be fwb.
Personally if I left someone cause I couldn’t handle being in a relationship back when I was a teen, then met them again years later wanting to pursue a relationship- I would make sure to sit the other party down and tell them why, just even off the tiny possibility of them still being hurt.
So ppl hate the ML but according to the raws it looks like it’s true that MC was the one to abandon and hurt the ML in the past, hence why ML wants revenge. Though MC has his own reasons for why he did that (apparently those who know Korean spoiled he was blackmailed to do that cause of that girl who had a crush on him), ML doesn’t know that info. It should’ve been obvious MC did something wrong because he literally says so and blames himself, but ppl assume it’s nothing due to other misunderstandings they read from other manhwas. So it’s also no wonder that MC showing back up into ML’s life like nothing happened and wanting to start something again, is icky especially when MC won’t tell ML the truth of what happened back then. It’s like imagine your crush kissed you, led you on, dumped you for someone else and left you, then showed back up in your life acting like nothing happened and wants to be your fwb.
Honestly if the roles were reversed and the ML was the main character/bottom, ppl would’ve probably been hating on doha. But because doha is the main character/bottom, they assume he’s in the right and ML is just being over dramatic, over what they assume to be a misunderstanding. Seeing the raws, ML’s character to me is actually like those easy tops who would forgive the bottom no matter what and still love him. ML throughout the story doesn’t actually do anything for his revenge and just enjoys their current relationship, he’s basically whipped for MC. If ML were the MC then they’d probably think he’s a doormat for doha lmao.
Oh and the brown haired dude that has a crush on MC, is not 2nd ML material. He hardly does anything as well lol. I don’t even remember him making any advances until the very end where it’s barely an actual confession since he just gives up by helping them be together. He has his own pairing with the dude that likes him anyway ig, so it’s cool lol.