Yo hold up

AiriSenpai March 16, 2025 6:10 pm

I know the duchess is a bat-shit crazy sociopath but murdering innocent puppies who have done nothing to her is absolutely heinous. This bitch is straight up pure evil. I don't think divorcing her would be enough. She needs to rot in prison.

    mimosa March 16, 2025 6:13 pm

    Yup I hated how people would hate the fl for being a mistress but the Duchess is crazy and probably likes abusing people for fun.

    Ladybug March 25, 2025 1:20 am
    Yup I hated how people would hate the fl for being a mistress but the Duchess is crazy and probably likes abusing people for fun. mimosa

    There ain't no probably about that. If it was modern day she would be in the movies hostel