Heavily depends, I love fantraslation as long as they add a translation for the actions, some even do a better job then the officials (ex. MFG )
In officials the cleaning is visually nice but sometimes they translate removing context or pick and choosing stuff and change it in a way that makes it rlly bad to read (specifically w leshin) like the leaving "hyung" untranslated but changing ahjussi for MISTER

Depends on who did the fan translation. There are some fan translations out there that rival the official translations with not only accuracy but notes. Plus translations from fans sometimes have fan chats and reactions, which I enjoy reading when I read their translations. I look for these translations first to see if they're any good before I even look at the official version if it's there.
I hate that now every new story has someone lining up the put the official translation on it. It used to be the official translation would pick up where the scanlation left off, but now they start all over from the first chapter and it's annoying getting notifications for chapters I've already read.
If the translation was really horrible then I wouldn't mind starting from the beginning, but it's so disrespectful when an uploader loads on a story a scanlation team hasn't stopped working on with the official translation that is no better than the fan one. I feel one day scanlation teams will disappear due to the amount of uploaders who keep trying to load officials over them completely disregarding the work and effort they put into translating the story.

It depends. Sometimes, I wait for the officials because the translation/quality of the previous one is bad bad but if the current translation is good then, I don't really care. I don't like to reread things because I usually remember most of them so, if I already read the fan translation then, I'm not gonna read the official ones.
i appreciate ppl who uploaded the official of certain manhwa. but does reading official ver. do matter to you? genuine question honestly.