Haha the other person is right
The scene where the ML calls him a baby is in chapter 4, a dark background scene (likely representing a flashback) where the ML is washing dishes with gloves on and asks MC his age- MC responds while drinking water, which in turn makes ML have two shocked panel reactions.

Not to beat an already dead horse, but I do enjoy a good moment of poetic justice. The chapter is out, and as it turns out, reality doesn’t quite align with your confidence.
It’s fascinating how loudly people proclaim their correctness before the facts are even established.
Now that we have actual confirmation, will you be issuing a retraction, or do you only speak up when you think you’ve won?
Uke is literally 25 while seme’s age isn’t revealed yet. We just know he’s (seme) older that him (uke) though.
I don’t know why everybody’s saying he’s 18/19 but he’s clearly NOT. Read the raws. When uke reveals his age in ch 4, the seme mutters “he’s totally a baby”.