i’m really conflicted about this bc..even if he did put the blame on garam when they wer...

Ree Urr March 16, 2025 5:43 pm

i’m really conflicted about this bc..even if he did put the blame on garam when they were younger, what else could he have done? his mom is a huge christian and if he didn’t do what he did what would she have done? kicked him out? completely removed him from the family? like it’s really not 100% of his fault either..

    Ranatanata March 16, 2025 5:54 pm

    I understand your point and I might not have made a better decusion had I been in his shoes but the damage to Garam is also real. It is the consequence of his own actions that led them to their situation now and he is not making it better by forcing a reconciliation if Garam is not willing. My point is yes he was forced to make a horrible choice but Garam is the one who endured the backlash.

    oiiwa March 16, 2025 5:56 pm

    garam has every right to still hate him for it. it doesn’t matter if the guy felt like he had no other choice, he did have a choice, but still chose to place all the blame on garam. he was in a tough situation, but he still really messed up garam in the process.

    Marya March 16, 2025 6:30 pm

    The least that this idiot can do is pretend not to know garam and just ignore him just like garam does, in the end they are actually strangers after all those years and what happened in the past. He doesn't have the right to try and butt in garam's life and act all jealous when he fu**ed the whole thing up in the past. He's a jerk, and he's giving garam a hard time over nothing just because he knew that garam is over him already and his a** can't accept it.

    Aifhskd March 16, 2025 6:32 pm

    I understand where you’re coming from, and we can sympathize with his ex. But, like, at the end of the day he chose those actions and said those words. Like for a situation that big, his intentions really don’t matter, to justify what he did. He saved himself from all the hate and being alienated, but he just passed all of that down to Garam, ten fold, and now he wanna act all buddy buddy like…

    Ree Urr March 16, 2025 6:40 pm

    oh true true for sure he shouldn’t be pushing anything onto garam knowing what happened but it’s so sad how close minded people can damage more than one person for the rest of their life simply bc they don’t see something the same way they do