Novel Link: https://novelbin.com/b/flowers-are-bait/chapter-35
Were currently on ch 35 so you can read from there but I do recommend reading from the start (u don’t need to) bcs a lot of the dialogue, internal thoughts and scenes get cut out in the manhwa

Ch 2, the first meeting with Kiseok:
The drum container next to Kiseok has a screaming man inside lol.
Kiseok originally planned on dismembering Lee Yeon and discarding her remains out in the sea before proposing her the deal.
Ch 3, Chaewoo waking up from his coma:
After Chaewoo pins Lee Yeon down against the bed, Lee Yeon who is already scared becomes more terrified when she feels his “thick” length pressing against her ass
*extra that didn’t make it in the manhwa - Lee Yeon thinks back on how she tried going to the police again in the beginning of her contract to tell them about her situation but Chaewoo’s older brother, Kiseok, gives her a call and blandly says “Hello.” Lee Yeon immediately takes it as a warning. He later sends her an image of him posing w a police officer over text, he’s so fucking petty.
Ch. 4, when he’s interrogating Lee Yeon:
Chaewoo is more vulgar in the novel. After asking her if she’s sucked him off, he believes he must have “fucked her like a dog”
Ch. 5, when he’s outside covered in chicken blood:
“I only dreamed of having s*x the whole time I slept…with my wife…I was in and out between your legs”
Ch. 6, in bed together for the first time:
During their bed talk, Lee Yeon tells Chaewoo he has an older brother but he doesn’t care too much and only wants to know about her.
He holds her hand and tells her “It’s only your face that lingers in my mind and nothing else. I guess I love you very much.”
Ch 8, When Lee Yeon locks herself in her room:
After Lee Yeon tells Chaewoo that she’s naked, Chaewoo is seen w a boner in the manhwa and in the novel he heads back upstairs after wishing her a goodnight and warns Lee Yeon to not go upstairs since he will be busy shaving his pubes in the shower
Ch. 11, Chaewoo’s first time out w Lee Yeon at the conference:
After they hold hands, Lee Yeon notices how hot his hands are and is worried he might be catching a fever. Chaewoo is very giddy seeing her worry for him but reassures her that he’s fine.
“I like it.”
“What?” she asked, puzzled.
“I like the feeling of blood rushing every time I see you.”
Ch 13, bath scene:
The imaginary boob grab was manhwa only, in the novel he just got a boner and thought about how badly he wanted to spread her legs and kiss her.
Ch. 14, neck biting in bed after the bath:
quoting the novel bcs…my god:
-His drawers were slowly getting wet because of the precum exuded from the tip of his manhood. Just the act of licking her nape made him heated. This is not enough, I want more, he thought. Something deep inside him craved for more. Kwon Chae-woo wanted to devour her, body and soul.
Ch.15, after the neck biting and Lee Yeon asking if he got his memories back (I’m still mad they cut these out ):
After he leaves the room and heads downstairs, quoting novel:
-“If you come any closer, I won’t be able to let you sleep alone. So, just stay there.”
Lee-yeon didn’t move.
“Or, is it that you want to see me cum?”
Lee-yeon’s eyes involuntarily turned to his lower body. She realized he was still aroused.
“Does that mean you want to see it?” He narrowed his eyes.
“What?! N-no!” said Lee-yeon and averted her eyes.
“Really?” he said, “You just looked very interested a few seconds ago.”
“I was not,” Lee-yeon shot back.
Once he locks himself in Lee Yeon’s room:
-Kwon Chae-woo tried hard to ignore her voice. Her bed with her odor was a terrible paradise to him. It reminded him of her. He buried his face in her pillow and stroked and rubbed his member to satiate his yearning for her.
Ch. 17, Chaewoo taking care of Lee Yeon’s stalker:
Chaewoo originally took off Hwang JooYoon’s tape off his mouth so he could tell him where he lived but Hwang kept throwing sneering comments at him. Chaewoo remained calm and asked him one last time yet Hwang kept refusing. This is when Chaewoo starts dragging him back to what he guessed was his house and Hwang begins to scream Lee Yeon’s name which sets Chaewoo off. Chaewoo roughly shoves rocks inside Hwang’s mouth and warns him to not wake Lee Yeon up.
He pulled off the rubber band that held the flowers together. He gathered her hair up to tie them. His eyes caught on the nape of her neck. “Hwang Jo-yoon won’t be any more trouble,” he said. He felt her body stiffen. “So, you don’t need to worry anymore,” he said gently.
Lee-yeon touched her hair awkwardly. She felt different from usual with her hair tied up.
“So pretty,” said Kwon Chae-woo.
“Um… Me?” She asked. The man smiled and leaned against the table.
“You can hide behind your work clothes all you want,” he said, “But that doesn’t fool me. When you come to bed at night after a shower, I know how pretty you are.”
Lee-yeon blushed. She was speechless. “Do you even know how that drives me crazy?”
She stood there without a word and covered her face with her hands