
Try drawing a motherfucken arm. Yeah? And girl. She Literally suffered from working Everyday nonstop and would come home in the night Barely eating cause they gotta pay the debts, are we even reading the same shit? And yes Such boobs Exist and its "Loose" boob, Not Originally Big boobs, hers is loose. Got that? So yes. it does infact exist because i saw it with my own eyes.
What’s with all the talk about this being written by a male author? Like, is the plot falling off for you? I keep seeing haesoo being scrutinized for her anatomy but damn, who’s reading this and getting another idea about body standards? We were all here for spicy content with a plot, no? I personally don’t believe it’s a male author since haesoo’s being decently written but it may be a woman’s preference to have a FL with different body proportions