gl recs
Lgbt or straight Recs
bl, gl, straight, no romance—all ok!
I found a new yuri manga, Akuyaku Reijou no wo Yome-sama by Kawano Akiko, i...
Help me find this manga please
Any good zombie gls or bls I don't really give a fuck as long as it's good�...
Why is there almost no omega x omega stories?? Maybe it's time to take it ...
I hate how i have a lot to share with other people about stuff that i want to talk about but when im going to explain it to them, I dont know how would i explain it clearly or like even words doesn't come out of my mouth
It even sometimes become controversial even though thats now what i wanted to say
Thats why I always have problems when it comes to Q&A f2f or interviews cause i wasnt born as a yapper