Why he getting paid??

Hasuno March 16, 2025 1:15 pm

Idk what y'all arguing about who's top or bottom, my mind's been messing with me why the charcoal was getting paid by the aunty, although it's most likely some kind of fixing stuff idk, but because of what the blondie said my mind is in disarray on why was he getting paid, and the fact that he accepted the money from blondie to have sex doesn't help (@_@)

    Sirius March 16, 2025 3:01 pm

    Nah i think he just need money ngl..
    (You can kinda guess by how he work there, and he come to the hotel using a byscle)
    And when he accepted the money from Blondie I think because he's already expected it by how Blondie keep staring at him like a body scan

    Like, oh he looking at me from top to bottom, and now he said something stupid which probably (or maybe) a misunderstood he make on his head and he going to pay me, why not?

    Especially after knowing tan skin is a top, it's makes more sense cuz he not losing much (he not bottoming)

    He probably seeing Blondie as a stupid, perverted and ungrateful bastard (cuz Blondie using money and life as he pleased while tan skin working hard to make money/he need money)

    lebron's #1 pookie bear March 16, 2025 5:04 pm

    i bet it was just construction work or smth lmao