Beyond fucked

1800GAYTOPS March 16, 2025 12:47 pm

How the hell do you just kick a kid out on the street who has nothing and no one? That little bit of money will go so quick. Not to get political but this is what pisses me off about the abortion law. All these people who are pro life fighting for kids to be born don’t give 2 shits about those kids once they’re actually born. The foster care system is a living nightmare. The only thing worse is to kick a kid out of the system to try fending for themselves. There’s so many sick people who take advantage of kids who are homeless. Apologies for the rant. I just hate seeing kids in that kind of situation because I know what can happen to them.

    ᰔMixedGhoul March 16, 2025 2:16 pm

    Preach honey Pro-Birthers do not gaf after the child is born. It’s never been about protecting the child, it’s about controlling women’s bodies. I think it’s incredibly selfish to have a child and then give them up to an adoption center knowing the horrors that go on in them. SA rates are incredibly high amongst foster kids, abuse as well, and even racism is a big issue. I would never want any child to go through that.

    remi❀ March 17, 2025 3:59 am

    never thought i would see the day where the comments under yaoi would be political & very correct

    BL!!! March 17, 2025 11:12 am
    Preach honey Pro-Birthers do not gaf after the child is born. It’s never been about protecting the child, it’s about controlling women’s bodies. I think it’s incredibly selfish to have a child and then... ᰔMixedGhoul

    Honestly, have you ever seen the abortion process with your own eyes? The child is literally cut up into pieces inside of the womb. As for the foster system, I have professional foster parents in my family so your "oh, it's so awful" argument doesn't really count. Never the less, it's up to the mother what to decide. But there is no real right or wrong here. It's a human tragedy and it should be seen as that.

    Valhalla March 17, 2025 11:24 am
    Honestly, have you ever seen the abortion process with your own eyes? The child is literally cut up into pieces inside of the womb. As for the foster system, I have professional foster parents in my family so y... BL!!!

    Your one account of having professional foster parents in your family doesn’t invalidate their argument lol doesn’t mean the foster system isn’t full of abuse of all kinds unfortunately. Also, not all abortion is like that, that’s at a later stage. Usually depending on the timing, it’s a pill you take and the body will flush the foetus out. Movies always make it look like you describe but that’s not how it is all the time.

    BL!!! March 17, 2025 11:59 am
    Your one account of having professional foster parents in your family doesn’t invalidate their argument lol doesn’t mean the foster system isn’t full of abuse of all kinds unfortunately. Also, not all abo... Valhalla

    My father was in an orphanage and it was a bad experience. One if those you're talking about. Did that shape him? Yes! Is he glad, his mother didn't consider abortion? Yes, definitely. Neither he nor me would be here otherwise. As for the abortion; I'm a grown woman in my forties, and a mother at that. So, I don't need movies for that info. But as you just tried to discredit my point, by saying that I'm generalizing too much, while your generalizing yourself in your very own comment, my point still stands; it's a human tragedy.

    Valhalla March 17, 2025 8:38 pm
    My father was in an orphanage and it was a bad experience. One if those you're talking about. Did that shape him? Yes! Is he glad, his mother didn't consider abortion? Yes, definitely. Neither he nor me would b... BL!!!

    Again, you and your father is one example. That’s it. That doesn’t diminish their point. How am i generalising? lol. I’m saying that your one experience does not hold much weight to the millions of other stories out there. At the end of the day, abortion never seems to be about the actual child, as no one seems to care about them once they are actually born, the system is fucked— pro lifers care only for forcing the woman into having the child and they wash their hands of it once that’s done. There is not a care in the world for the woman or the child after that fact. That is a tragedy.

    ᰔMixedGhoul March 18, 2025 4:37 am
    Honestly, have you ever seen the abortion process with your own eyes? The child is literally cut up into pieces inside of the womb. As for the foster system, I have professional foster parents in my family so y... BL!!!

    My mother worked in abortion care, so don’t think I’m clueless, bbg. Growing up as a mixed Black girl, I’ve seen how common this issue is. I want abortion to remain a readily available option, especially for young girls of color who are often taken advantage of. Heaven knows the people I love would’ve been in a far worse place if they were forced to give birth. You’re privileged, my dear. Bless your heart.

    ᰔMixedGhoul March 18, 2025 4:43 am
    Honestly, have you ever seen the abortion process with your own eyes? The child is literally cut up into pieces inside of the womb. As for the foster system, I have professional foster parents in my family so y... BL!!!

    Your perspective on abortion seems influenced by biased information/ propaganda hun. Try stepping away from sources like Fox News and instead engage with the people around you to hear diverse viewpoints

    Valhalla March 18, 2025 12:42 pm
    My mother worked in abortion care, so don’t think I’m clueless, bbg. Growing up as a mixed Black girl, I’ve seen how common this issue is. I want abortion to remain a readily available option, especially ... ᰔMixedGhoul

    Yes, very privileged view point 100%