
Preach honey Pro-Birthers do not gaf after the child is born. It’s never been about protecting the child, it’s about controlling women’s bodies. I think it’s incredibly selfish to have a child and then give them up to an adoption center knowing the horrors that go on in them. SA rates are incredibly high amongst foster kids, abuse as well, and even racism is a big issue. I would never want any child to go through that.
How the hell do you just kick a kid out on the street who has nothing and no one? That little bit of money will go so quick. Not to get political but this is what pisses me off about the abortion law. All these people who are pro life fighting for kids to be born don’t give 2 shits about those kids once they’re actually born. The foster care system is a living nightmare. The only thing worse is to kick a kid out of the system to try fending for themselves. There’s so many sick people who take advantage of kids who are homeless. Apologies for the rant. I just hate seeing kids in that kind of situation because I know what can happen to them.