So this is all bcz of the queen's cheating? I mean.....gaddamn #WomanInMenFields

sakdatdik March 16, 2025 12:44 pm

So this is all bcz of the queen's cheating? I mean.....gaddamn


    tomka March 16, 2025 3:16 pm

    hell yeah, we support women's rights AND wrongs

    KingLychee333 March 17, 2025 7:15 am

    Omg I love your use of #WomenInMenFields

    Sakuraruu March 18, 2025 6:43 am

    From my understanding, she was in relationship with Mars.
    Then, was forced to marry emperor, so she broke up with Mars.
    But Mars don't want to give up, so he followed her always and help her everytime.
    She still love Mars and I think the emperor is shitty towards her and Mars.
    And when she pregnant with Mars's baby, they probably scared that the emperor would find out.
    And they both probably worried what to do.
    And then Mars would decided to kill himself to somehow prove a point that the child is not his, so they can bury the secret.

    Just my guess