There are no spoilers guys, the first season just ended there is no more beyond that it’...

Yuushana March 16, 2025 10:14 am

There are no spoilers guys, the first season just ended there is no more beyond that it’s all just speculation. But I also think he’ll remember why he wanted to be an idol in the first place and will go towards that again (in fact I’m pretty sure the idol version of Kiyu at the beginning of ending chapter is future him because he looks more mature and the way he talks abt schedules make me think more of full fledged idols than trainees) and their relationship will be rocky. The author kinda did a lot of foreshadowing from future Lily’s pov all throughout which hinted they may not be besides e/o in the future (during the time of the narrative, they most probably will found e/o again).
