genuine question, how are they meant to prepare something on their deathbed? is it perhaps the double standards that you expect the mother to do everything? idk if you read taming the tyrant but it revealed that when the mother finds out the abuse and neglect he put on his daughter she was distraught because she expected him to treat her with love as she was their child, in this scenario she was protecting her daughter from the mages and her own community (⌒▽⌒)

I would say the same thing if it were the father who died and abandoned the kid. But unfortunately, only women can give birth…so no, this isn’t about double standards. Personally, if I knew I was dying, I’d make some effort to leave something behind for my child, whether that’s securing a guardian, writing a letter, or ensuring they have some form of protection. But then again, I haven’t read the novel of this story so my whole argument can be rippled to shreds after I read that the mother thought the aunt and the other dragons were going to protect the FL lol so that was a reasonable plan prepared that unfortunately failed.
The issue I’m pointing out is common in many manhwa: the mother dies without telling the father about their child, leaving the kid to fend for themselves without at least one parent. This isn't about cases like Taming the Tyrant, where the family esp the dad KNEW it was her daughter but still treated her like shit just bc the mom died when she gave birth. I’m just talking about those cliche manhwa where the mother simply chooses not to inform the father(due to miscommunication/misunderstandings) leading to unnecessary suffering for the child. That’s the pattern I’m critiquing

By the way, in cases like Taming the Tyrant, I’d never blame the mother. She had no reason to prepare anything for her daughter because she rightly assumed her husband would take care of their daughter—as he should have! But he failed. So to answer your question again, no, this isn’t about double standards."

im sorry i dont really understand the last bit because knowing the father’s current role that would put her daughters identity as a dragon in danger, her plan was not to let the father know at all, that was all due to the dragons ditching her not the mothers fault as dragons were meant to stick together and protect each other

how am i not making sense when im just telling you the plotline that you’re ignoring? youre saying that the mother isn’t entirely innocent but of what? wanting to protect her daughter from being turned into an experiment or weapon? she unlike every other manhwa father had a good reason to protect the man she loved and her daughter, but it all got ruined because after her death her community left her daughter which by tradition was wrong

Did you miss or ignore the entire plot point of him killing off his entire emotions?
Because naturally without them he would not care.
The mother has a big part in this blame game, because if she just told him she wouldn't be around for long instead of acting like a bitch (like that makes the situation any better for him, her or the daughter), none of this would have happened to begin with.
why are y'all angry at the dad? get angry at her mother too for being such an ass.