I am a Narumi bias and huhu, Narumi's backstory tells how hard it is for them to look for a compatibility with Numbers weapon 1 so he is kind rare for that but now even Kikoru can :'). While also in Numbers 4 suit. Ik this girl is one of the strongest, I am kind of bitter but Captain Narumi!!! The man that you are ♡. Like, obviously he is looking into the next generation of officers who will enherit such ability haha. He is really the best captain/trainor out there, teaching Kafka and Kikoru at the same time. While he look like a dork most of the time haha.
I am a Narumi bias and huhu, Narumi's backstory tells how hard it is for them to look for a compatibility with Numbers weapon 1 so he is kind rare for that but now even Kikoru can :'). While also in Numbers 4 suit. Ik this girl is one of the strongest, I am kind of bitter but Captain Narumi!!! The man that you are ♡. Like, obviously he is looking into the next generation of officers who will enherit such ability haha. He is really the best captain/trainor out there, teaching Kafka and Kikoru at the same time. While he look like a dork most of the time haha.
Pls pls stay safe everyone :'( no deaths pls.