
Boa's left coochie lip March 16, 2025 6:23 am

Why are people siding with gunjoonie? Like, he's overthinking, they're freshly in a relationship and he's tb "wheres the I miss yous and I love yous" ???? Like am I not seeing the problem or what

    Clueless March 16, 2025 6:42 am

    I don't think he's overthinking, gunjoonie knows what he wants and ml isn't delivering on that. It could've been communicated better but the ml also took a backseat on talking about gunjoons obviously anxious and avoidant behaviour before they got to this point.

    Lxcuid March 16, 2025 6:43 am

    ML hasn't even said he likes him and he really doesn't answer questions genuinely. If you're dating someone you're gonna miss them and shit and want affection

    Boa's left coochie lip March 16, 2025 6:53 am
    I don't think he's overthinking, gunjoonie knows what he wants and ml isn't delivering on that. It could've been communicated better but the ml also took a backseat on talking about gunjoons obviously anxious a... Clueless

    No, he's actually overthinking literally the ML is trying to understand but I feel like gunjoonie is blowing things out of proportion

    Boa's left coochie lip March 16, 2025 6:54 am
    ML hasn't even said he likes him and he really doesn't answer questions genuinely. If you're dating someone you're gonna miss them and shit and want affection Lxcuid

    He's answering him genuinely though, and he's also trying to understand

    alexisnic97 March 16, 2025 7:03 am
    He's answering him genuinely though, and he's also trying to understand Boa's left coochie lip

    No, he actually isn’t.

    brii March 16, 2025 7:04 am
    He's answering him genuinely though, and he's also trying to understand Boa's left coochie lip

    I think they just lack communication and reassurance. Most relationships tend to say affectionate words to their partners to let them know how they feel. Ml doesn’t really do any of that.

    Eating March 16, 2025 7:06 am
    He's answering him genuinely though, and he's also trying to understand Boa's left coochie lip

    Idk I feel like the ml is not communicating enough. Like for example the people he just knows he could tell where he met them or smth for reassurance and not just brush it off. If you’re in a serious relationship both should show affection and at least say once that they like each other or respond to the confession and not say ‘yea I like fun” or whatever he said when the mc confessed. Also the ml should answer the questions at least with a little detail and not brush it off like you’re talking to a stranger. If the relationship is serious then you can’t just brush things off like that. No one expects him to say that he loves him, but you can say that you like the person to reassure your partner ESPECIALLY when he’s confessing to you T-T

    Eristia09 March 16, 2025 7:06 am

    I agree with you. They're obviously fresh in a relationship. You can't expect them to be like other that's been together for 2 or 5 years. Wtf, they're not married and they just got official in days or weeks. Plus, uke inferiority on rumours if a big red flag. Seme is confident he can be a good person in a relationship. They could have slowly built that up, but uke went for a break up wtf.

    Boa's left coochie lip March 16, 2025 7:51 am
    I agree with you. They're obviously fresh in a relationship. You can't expect them to be like other that's been together for 2 or 5 years. Wtf, they're not married and they just got official in days or weeks. P... Eristia09


    Boa's left coochie lip March 16, 2025 7:53 am
    I think they just lack communication and reassurance. Most relationships tend to say affectionate words to their partners to let them know how they feel. Ml doesn’t really do any of that. brii

    Yall are "ML this" and "ML that" gunjoonie isn't helping the situation either, his overthinking literally hasn't helped the situation at all, as in NOT ONCE and then when he can finally talk shit out, he's not making anything better while the ML tries to understand wtf is going on while also feeling like "okay he flinched because I did so and so" (so and so being basically rape)

    Boa's left coochie lip March 16, 2025 7:55 am
    I think they just lack communication and reassurance. Most relationships tend to say affectionate words to their partners to let them know how they feel. Ml doesn’t really do any of that. brii

    Why do you keep just bringing up the ML??? I feel like a lot of you have forgotten that a relationship is TWO people omg. Gunjoon also isn't doing any of that, NOR is he doing any problem- solving techniques. Instead, he let's it all build up and this is the outcome.

    sev March 16, 2025 11:21 am

    what do you mean why are people siding with him because he is bro he knows what he wants in a relationship and junseok is not meeting any of his needs in a relationship??? what wld even be the point of dating someone when your priorities are completely different