I mean both were similar age and in same school, but still his Sunbae, not to say what he did wasn’t wrong, but in case anyone says he’s a Pedophile—no.
But yeah, minors raping a minor is still disgusting and horrible. Honestly, the MC had it coming…but yeah, should’ve stopped at the rape lmao, by dogs too? Sigh.

Ok but why does all the works by this author follow the same storyline…
Seme control and rape uke __> Later on uke also got gangrape randomly
If this story plot follows the novel as you just described, this is the same thing that happen in sadistic beauty… like come on… As least cant we get something new
Credits to the person that let me know: Apparently this story is controversial in Korea.
MC and ML used to be friends or knew each other in school. ML had a crush on the MC, and MC did too probably but had intense internal homophobia.
Then, MC raped ML with his friends and used sex toys on him. I believe the ML was around 14 years of age, and I’m not sure how old MC was but both were minors(?).
MC also filmed the rape, and sent it to ML’s mother who saw it and had a breakdown. She was hospitalised. While ML planned revenge by training and working out with the help of a gangster, MC got in an accident and lost his memories of what he did.
As revenge, ML raped MC. He also used dogs to rape MC, yes dogs. He had been targeting MC from the beginning. Later, MC was gang raped by some thugs (unsure if set up by ML).