I got to the same place again

medchan March 16, 2025 4:30 am

I can't seem to get past chapter 87. For me, the story is too cringe worthy. In the beginning, I was willing to overlook a lot of things but the "redemption" of the ML is too forced. Likening him to Theor actually makes me, personally, start disliking the kid. The more he and his son "act alike", the more ick I get for the son.

Remember, he actively tried to hurt the FL. By chapter 87, we've had multiple glimpses of him saying, "Oh I was trying to hate her and be mean to her but sometimes I would slip up." And then contradict that chapters later, acting like she was his only saving grace. On top of all that, while I'm not a fan of ultimatums, she gave him a very mild one. "Please don't speak to me in private unless you explain why you acted horrid to me." That's NOT A BIG ASK. She's willing to hear him out and listen to his side of the story. What does he do instead? He refuses to explain himself, colludes with the kid, and now is making her feel guilty for no reason. Does she have her own faults? Yes. I can easily break those down, too. But all she wants to do is understand why he created a HUGE SCANDAL, literally UPENDED HER LIFE, and made HER bear ALL THE CONSEQUENCES of HIS DECISION, namely, to divorce her after less than a day. That's not a huge thing to ask.

At this point, I want them to divorce for good. They are such a toxic couple together. There is zero communication between them until push comes to shove. The fact that they can only open up to each other when something is threatening them is just ick. And the fact that there's basically less than 20 chapters before "the end" gives me no hope for any of this being wrapped up in a satisfactory way.

The best case scenario at this point is for Theor to be crown prince with his dad, the emperor, and for Astelle to go do her own thing, studying and using herbs. She's completely miserable as empress and has zero interest in politics or social circles, both of which she's not only supposed to engage in but absolutely dominate. I could rant some more but I don't even care that much about this story. It's so cliche that I can predict the ending.

Astelle's dad is actually, secretly, that noble guy with the same eyes as her. Her supposed dad did something that made the emperor hate him as a child and he lashed out at Astelle for it. Now he regrets it. Some sort of scandal in regards to Astelle's lineage that will be handwaved away because oh well, she's still nobility at the end of the day. Some sort of scandal involving Fritz's dad, ending with it completely stripping him of his accomplishments and leaving him powerless and/or dead. Grandpa will likely have some sort of near death experience in there because plot and drama. Fritz dramatically stating that he will always be her brother. And, just based on how things were going when I dropped yet again...... Dramatic scene to redeem annoying maid who Theor calls princess and a lot of pointless scenes to promote how "cute" Theor is.

Maybe I'm wrong but I'm being not. It's predictable and cliche and I don't think I'll ever finish reading it. See you in a few years when I try yet again to accomplish that.

    snakeheadxx March 16, 2025 3:22 pm

    I get what you mean but these stories tend to be kind of shallow and not meant to be analyzed that closely. It can be annoying though when you have to switch gears to be able to enjoy a lower quality story

    Also about the above comment shading u lol there is a legitimate issue in webtoons where the love interest treats the main character badly for some dumb reason. It would be OK if it's properly resolved but most of the time in stories like this theres not usually real closure to those issues beside them falling in love and acting like everything is ok all of a sudden. It's a typical "I love you, but I had to be mean to you and now I want you back" which can get tiring esp when there's no clear redemption moment or apology . lighthearted shouldn't mean sloppy writing imo