Okay I really want to say smt abt I understand that everyone is mad over the fact that Cae...

justafujushi March 16, 2025 2:22 am

Okay I really want to say smt abt I understand that everyone is mad over the fact that Caesar r@ped Lee won rightfully so but like you do know that saying "even If it's fiction it's bad" is kind of hypocrisy in a way because you're all taking the crimes he committed into accountancy as real and as bad wich is normal and right but you all forget that Caesar stays a psychopath his upbringing wich was devoid of human touch love and affection made him not yearn for those things he was basically taught to never know them so he wouldn't need them and since birth he was brutally taught that only the strongest survived and that if you were the strongest you can do as you please and that you should never feel bad abt it since this is how things work in the world growing like that made him unable to understand basic human emotions that actually are learned through situations like hurting smn and being told off abt how bad it was that would make the person feel bad but his education was based into forging him to be strong a weapon basically unbreakable under any kind of pressure especially the one that made humans weak psychological wich means conditioning him into being a psychopath and a sociopath through a harsh learning environment wich means that when he finally felt love for Lee Won he probably thought that this emotion that made him feel so good was due to LW to be able to feel it more Lee won should stay with him but also because he learned that if his bf isn't with him it feels horrible he discovered love and all the emotions that comes with being in a relationship proccurs and ofc since he doesn't have basic moral codes and no knowledge of love or relationships for that matter that involves more then s$x the emotion grew more towards desperate obsession
All that to say that if you take his crime as a matter of real life again rightfully so you should also stop forgetting that the man has genuine psychological problems caused by a fierce and violent and traumatic life without rest and treat this as if it was reality just as you do with his crimes I'm not defending what he did he should be held responsible but the man despite being aware of how bad it is doesn't get it in it's entire extent and rn even LW finally understood that

    Khel March 16, 2025 2:45 am

    Facts, that's the main reason I can never hate Caesar his just raised that way...leewon accepted that part Caesar so there's nothing y'all can do about that.

    rabokki March 16, 2025 8:43 am
    Facts, that's the main reason I can never hate Caesar his just raised that way...leewon accepted that part Caesar so there's nothing y'all can do about that. Khel

    Being raised that way doesn’t excuse it, hes lived long enough to realise that he was raised wrong, there are tons of people in his universe telling him hes mad it should be obvious enough to him by now that he is in fact mad.

    rabokki March 16, 2025 8:44 am

    wow he had a bad childhood so sad must mean its okay for him to completely ignore everyone telling him hes in the wrong every time he does something wrong. Hes a grown ass adult almost a middle aged man he has had enough time to realise what he went through was wrong and what he is doing isn’t normal.

    Mimi March 16, 2025 11:49 am

    Ngl so true bestie, its like saying I cant like a character if they committed arson or smth like its FICTIONAL, its something burning in a FICTIONAL world. Oh my god guys in the big 25? Wake up gang..

    Onaru March 16, 2025 2:18 pm

    Honestly, support this statement. Like not every story should be sunshines and rainbows happily ever after disney princes type shi- like if they’re triggered in these kinds of things move tf on and find like a Slice of Life genre. Easy as that. I want some fucked up shit in my story, I just find some overly sweet plot kind of stale sometimes.

    Onaru March 16, 2025 2:21 pm
    Ngl so true bestie, its like saying I cant like a character if they committed arson or smth like its FICTIONAL, its something burning in a FICTIONAL world. Oh my god guys in the big 25? Wake up gang.. Mimi

    True ; ; like c’mon. It doesn’t even violate anything ethically irl. If you can’t separate fiction to reality or project some issues into these stories that’s a you problem.

    vivi March 16, 2025 5:45 pm

    Yess amen to thattt...
    If they dont like that the ml is a rapist or the story then DONT READ ITTTT... end of the story righhttt.... thats what i do.. theres a lot of manga/manhua i want to read.. but dont cause they been raped by many men or whoring their self so pass for me..haha
    we just have different preference...

    and i prefer that the ml is using force/rape to the mc but they will end together at the end.. than the mc will be rape by anyone other than the ml...

    Im sick in the mind
    U can judge if u want...

    NeedleNoggin March 16, 2025 10:16 pm

    LOVE this paragraph bruh you understand

    Molly March 19, 2025 7:42 am

    Bro who’s reading allat