I love this Garam he's so assertive and he's making it abundantly clear he's over his ex.
The ex on the other hand is so selfish,I've seen comments saying what he did was not so bad and the mother was the real monster but he accused his boyfriend of molestation. He could have ruined Garams life if the mother decided to go with the police and even if it never got that bad, he's still putting his own feelings over Garam's.
He feels bad and i guess wants to ask for forgiveness, but he's not doing it for Garam, he's doing it for himself. Otherwise when the people you hurt tells you they dont want you in their life anymore and to not talk to them you'd listen. But no, he ignores Garam's feelings and only care about how HE FEELS and how HE WANTS TO GO BACK TO HOW THINGS WERE.
I love this Garam he's so assertive and he's making it abundantly clear he's over his ex.
The ex on the other hand is so selfish,I've seen comments saying what he did was not so bad and the mother was the real monster but he accused his boyfriend of molestation. He could have ruined Garams life if the mother decided to go with the police and even if it never got that bad, he's still putting his own feelings over Garam's.
He feels bad and i guess wants to ask for forgiveness, but he's not doing it for Garam, he's doing it for himself. Otherwise when the people you hurt tells you they dont want you in their life anymore and to not talk to them you'd listen. But no, he ignores Garam's feelings and only care about how HE FEELS and how HE WANTS TO GO BACK TO HOW THINGS WERE.
Bitch, you lost your chance, move on.