Legit! Like let the people who enjoy this dynamic, enjoy it. Everything is not going to be for everyone, and there sure as hell is a lot thats not for me out there. But the amount of people who are choosing to complain about this rather than moving on or just keeping it to themselves is insane, its 90% of the comments like damn. A couple here and there, i get it, but the sheer amount of this is like entitlement. Imo its like: Why are your personal position preferences everyone else's problem? taking up space for those who actually wanna read this and talk about it.
Theres SO many comments talking about wanting the tanned guy to bottom, if u HAVE to say something, comment under one instead of adding to burying the comments about the actual story
Sorry for the ramble but like damn haha, thought it would stop by now
Oh my god why are there STILL so many complaints about their positions, we get it. I wanna see comments about the story