I though of myself as a veteran fujoshi who know all the thing I need to know about bl but...

moAaaaaaaaaa March 15, 2025 10:09 pm

I though of myself as a veteran fujoshi who know all the thing I need to know about bl but now seeing all the verses I still have such a long way to go

    angel1 March 16, 2025 12:06 am


    i have actually heard of cakeverse, guideverse, doseverse, and of course omegaverse but i was like "what the hell is butterflyverse, pomegaverse, and iceverse?!"

    cakeverse is bad enough don't add juice and ice too!

    not gonna lie though, butterflyverse sounds hella interesting!

    pomegaverse just sounds like 60% of all kemonomimi BL though...

    moAaaaaaaaaa March 16, 2025 12:25 pm

    I know Omegaverse,Cakeverse and Guideverse I never heard the rest before

    For Pomegaverse is I have read a lot of story like that but I never know they were called ''Pomegaverse''