1. How long was Pilgyun gone after he left Nanmu at the amusement park? Someone said a whole month, I don’t remember so I’m asking.2. Did Nanmu only have sex/seeking warmth with Jeolho once during that or implied he’s been seeking warmth with Jeolho during the whole month?3. Would author do side stories? I need one with the young master and Jeolho, I’m begging! And the main couple side story too of course.
1. How long was Pilgyun gone after he left Nanmu at the amusement park? Someone said a whole month, I don’t remember so I’m asking.
2. Did Nanmu only have sex/seeking warmth with Jeolho once during that or implied he’s been seeking warmth with Jeolho during the whole month?
3. Would author do side stories? I need one with the young master and Jeolho, I’m begging! And the main couple side story too of course.