Omg girl u take this way too personally. Im just tryna tell u that it doesnt hurt to let go if someone blocked you to protect their own peace(whether they may be right or wrong). They are not really obliged to not block you or mute their topics. By being pressed about it you are just ruining your own day.

^See! I posted this comment knowing there would be others just like you who would disagree, discuss their point, and have a different opinion.
But do I block just to protect my own fragile ego? Block other replies so that I can assure no one goes against me or what I think?
The goal, not protecting my peace, but to assert my opinion and make sure you stay quiet about yours.
Then why would I post such a comment in public if I was not willing to have it... well public?
Lmao. Got blocked again XDD this the 4th time here in mangago. They always do this cuz they think they "win" for having the last word, but only because they blocked you so you can't reply anymore.
(If their excuse is because they're "tired" of the convo that's why they blocked, they lyin. There's mute button for the thread if they just don't want to hear it anymore.)