y'all ever have thoughts like- maybe, just maybe, jaehee was groomed by a close family member? possibly his mother. hear me out in this one.
his hypersexuality, dirty living habits, gambling addiction, inability to hold chopsticks right, always going for older women, often giving blank looks as if he understands everything and complying to anything as long as he gets social security. everything seems strong indications of a messed up childhood.
its not like he's not scared or does not realize that its not abuse. he shivers when chunho raises his hand. and realizes he's being kept to release sexual frustration.
plus he also realizes the first time they fucked it was rape. ch 5. "but you forced it in that time". many believe he's too dumb to realize stuff. my personal theory is that he knows everything yet goes with the flow cuz if he doesn't then he'd have to sleep on the streets. i mean- we literally see him going to beg to chunho after being homeless and make negotiation over the amount of beatings he can handle ;-;
ik this dumpster of a manhwa doesn't deserve this level of attention but when it comes to representation of abuse of victims in any kind of media, i cant help but think a lot.
y'all ever have thoughts like- maybe, just maybe, jaehee was groomed by a close family member? possibly his mother. hear me out in this one.
his hypersexuality, dirty living habits, gambling addiction, inability to hold chopsticks right, always going for older women, often giving blank looks as if he understands everything and complying to anything as long as he gets social security. everything seems strong indications of a messed up childhood.
its not like he's not scared or does not realize that its not abuse. he shivers when chunho raises his hand. and realizes he's being kept to release sexual frustration.
plus he also realizes the first time they fucked it was rape. ch 5. "but you forced it in that time". many believe he's too dumb to realize stuff. my personal theory is that he knows everything yet goes with the flow cuz if he doesn't then he'd have to sleep on the streets. i mean- we literally see him going to beg to chunho after being homeless and make negotiation over the amount of beatings he can handle ;-;
ik this dumpster of a manhwa doesn't deserve this level of attention but when it comes to representation of abuse of victims in any kind of media, i cant help but think a lot.