Does the ml actually love him or was this all just to get the mc to have Stockholm syndrom...

Rice milk March 15, 2025 2:35 pm

Does the ml actually love him or was this all just to get the mc to have Stockholm syndrome, help me out guys the blushing throws me off

    Unkown_XXY March 15, 2025 3:28 pm

    It's 100% Stockholm syndrome. His body and mind can't live without it's capture. Yeah ml blushed but the blush was only because he kept on receiving praises after all the torture. That basically twisted his mind to accept reality and current situation that he's never going to escape that y keep fighting.

    coffeedrinker March 17, 2025 3:53 pm

    I mean, I think that's probably up to interpretation. My best explanation is probably that the ML's "love" is genuine in the way ML believes he experiences love, if that makes sense. Like for the ML, love = obsessive control, manipulation, etc.