
There are lots of ways in which a person can pass away in so much pain that people won't wish it on their cancer is one of the worst ways to it's slow , painful, the treatment itself is painful and takes a lot of willpower to complete
So imagine a situation where the dad has cancer....and it's slowly eating his life away...and the he goes through treatment...but a year or so later he realises that it's relapsed...and he being the greedy bitch he is will still get the treatment and it gets better...but relapses again....^(°u°)^~~>
I don't want the father to just die, I want him to be hospitalized for some serious illness that kills him painfully and slowly. I want him to realize that he's alone for his own fault and that the people around him only cares for his money and social status. I want Seong to visit him occasionally with his cold mannerism and to be indifferent to his father's pain. Maybe then the father will realize that there's no one in this world that truly loves him but it would be too late to do something about it. Finally, I want him to die at night alone and without the chance to say goodbye. And maybe, just maybe Seong will be depressed for a few days because, after all, he was his father, but I know he'll recover and be happy, unlike his father that will probably rot in hell for all eternity. That's the ending that I want.