Basic bitch simpletons be like “wah wtf did I just read, gross disturbing, shook, look how holier than thou I am,” proceeds to read more in the future cos can’t admit they like this shit but self hate got to justify to themselves by being haters, how else are they going to keep coming back for more? A bit like how closet gays are like “Ew no homos, I’m going to beat you up! But I can’t stop paying attention to you!”
People with sense who likes grape kink are like “Oh yeah I’m here for this, ps we know grape irl is a crime and don’t condone but can seperate fantasy from reality. Party on.”
Actual Grapists be like…too busy watching live grape whatever corn, condoning and doing the graping opportunistically. Don’t think they’re here jacking off to pretty men gay grape kink.
Basic bitch simpletons be like “wah wtf did I just read, gross disturbing, shook, look how holier than thou I am,” proceeds to read more in the future cos can’t admit they like this shit but self hate got to justify to themselves by being haters, how else are they going to keep coming back for more? A bit like how closet gays are like “Ew no homos, I’m going to beat you up! But I can’t stop paying attention to you!”
People with sense who likes grape kink are like “Oh yeah I’m here for this, ps we know grape irl is a crime and don’t condone but can seperate fantasy from reality. Party on.”
Actual Grapists be like…too busy watching live grape whatever corn, condoning and doing the graping opportunistically. Don’t think they’re here jacking off to pretty men gay grape kink.