With the ML's hair down, he somehow reminded me of that character from Dr. Stone. Though, wtf is going on in this story?!?!?!?!
Would you be kind and tell me the website. Also thanks for spoiling me, I don't take tragic story really well
Were you talking about the raw version of this story? Also, even if it's a happy ending, I don't think it would be something you would really "enjoy"
https://newtoki468.com/webtoon/30526033?stx=%EC%95%BC%EC%B0%A8%ED%99%94%EC%97%B0%EA%B8%B0&toon=BL%2FGLHere's the raw version
Yeah thanks for providing it, but what with the skull
Well.... just a warning
With the ML's hair down, he somehow reminded me of that character from Dr. Stone. Though, wtf is going on in this story?!?!?!?!