The story...also y'all hating the MC has me rolling my eyes

kmizuno March 15, 2025 3:45 pm

I think a lot of the readers and spoilers are missing a key point of the story. Before you pass judgment on how much you hate the MC or think he's a jerk for no reason you have to understand his character.

Well...imo from reading the novel, the story really is about Soohan learning how to love and let himself be loved. He didn't grow up experiencing love or accepting that his parents loved him. So with that in the way, it's easy for him to dismiss anyone's affection for just them wanting to serve themselves.
For example: ML's parents just helped him and his dad to save face, they gave him scholarship to promote their company, his own father just tries to be good to make himself feel better about being a thug, etc.

In many ways, Soohan is selfish and bitter who was hardened by a rough childhood under his absent father and abusive grandma. He had it so good under Yeonsoo's family but he's already put up a wall around his heart so he fails to recognize the good things. He had a father who is trying to make amends, a young puppy ML that loves him unconditionally, future in-laws that recognize his potential but his bitterness is stopping him from acknowledging all that. That's why I think the story is about Soohan learning to love and be loved.

He has a victim mindset that just grates my gears sometimes too. But that's just how he is. He's scared, he's insecure about his life, he has no real life purpose but to be successful and give the world a middle finger.

But I don't think I'd be any better if I were the MC.

Also, he has a real legit reason why he's cold to the ML before his amnesia.

    kmizuno March 15, 2025 2:50 pm

    Also feel free to ask spoiler questions here. But make it specific. Lol. If you just ask me to give you the whole story, you'll have to read the whole novel for that. Lmao

    Fujoshiexo March 18, 2025 3:07 pm

    Can you please give spoilers as to why he hated/gave the cold shoulders to ml pre amnesia?? Please I’m dying to know why

    kmizuno March 18, 2025 9:37 pm
    Can you please give spoilers as to why he hated/gave the cold shoulders to ml pre amnesia?? Please I’m dying to know why Fujoshiexo

    He thought that Yeonsoo tried to molest him in his sleep during his heat (he had a sleeping mask on). This happened when he was studying in Europe and briefly went home for a family gathering to send Yeonsoo off to the US.

    lolo0qzfan March 18, 2025 11:19 pm
    He thought that Yeonsoo tried to molest him in his sleep during his heat (he had a sleeping mask on). This happened when he was studying in Europe and briefly went home for a family gathering to send Yeonsoo of... kmizuno

    How long till his memories come back and will he remember what happened during his amnesia

    kmizuno March 19, 2025 3:25 am
    How long till his memories come back and will he remember what happened during his amnesia lolo0qzfan

    His memories will come back around the middle of his pregnancy and he will forget about what happened during his amnesia.

    But it's so sweet nonetheless because amnesia!Soohan kept on telling Yeonsoo "trust me"/"trust my love for you" that when his amnesia was cured...he held on knowing that. And made me love the post amnesia arc even more tbh

    lolo0qzfan March 19, 2025 3:34 am
    His memories will come back around the middle of his pregnancy and he will forget about what happened during his amnesia. But it's so sweet nonetheless because amnesia!Soohan kept on telling Yeonsoo "trust me"/... kmizuno

    Damn that seems sad is almost like saying bye to relative that you may not see again but hey are like trust me I be back

    kmizuno March 19, 2025 3:38 am

    Fr. But that was so integral to both of their growth tbh. By the end of it post amnesia Soohan really was able to learn how to love and be loved. And Yeonsoo was able to learn to love himself and see himself as an equal in the relationship.

    lolo0qzfan March 19, 2025 11:32 am
    Fr. But that was so integral to both of their growth tbh. By the end of it post amnesia Soohan really was able to learn how to love and be loved. And Yeonsoo was able to learn to love himself and see himself as... kmizuno

    Omg is making me cry that is so wholesome

    Xibm March 19, 2025 6:07 pm
    Also feel free to ask spoiler questions here. But make it specific. Lol. If you just ask me to give you the whole story, you'll have to read the whole novel for that. Lmao kmizuno

    so who's the one that did sa him, will they get caught? will the angst go on too long?

    PurpleHeart March 19, 2025 6:25 pm
    so who's the one that did sa him, will they get caught? will the angst go on too long? Xibm

    It's the cousin of Yeonsoo the one who appear in chapter 29 : Jo Juno.
    Juno is also an alpha and because of his inferiority complex when he smelled Soohan pheromones back then he thought it was an opportunity to mess Soohan up because Soohan was in heat and an omega in heat generally in omegaverse can't defend themselves.

    PurpleHeart March 19, 2025 8:01 pm
    so who's the one that did sa him, will they get caught? will the angst go on too long? Xibm

    I reread your questions and I notice that I didn't answer all your questions in one go so sorry about that.

    For you second question, Soohan would untangle everything when the story would almost reach its end. Juno frightened by Soohan who could denounces him for sa to the authority wanted to act first and make Soohan resigned/demoted by hurting his image but Soohan acted quickly and successful intervenes in Juno's scheme. In the final chapter of the main story (chapter 41) we can see his final ending.

    For your third question, ironically the angst would began after the resolution of everything because the angst is mostly between Original Soohan and Yeonsoo.
    I think the angst was not too long. There's a total of 41 chapters in the main story.
    Chapter 34 begins the arc of the return of the original Soohan until chapter 41 which is the end of the main story.

    nickhyun March 19, 2025 8:26 pm

    did the mc cheat on ml? and did the mc have sex with the chief or sth

    kmizuno March 19, 2025 8:30 pm
    did the mc cheat on ml? and did the mc have sex with the chief or sth nickhyun

    No and no. He never cheated

    Xibm March 19, 2025 9:30 pm
    I reread your questions and I notice that I didn't answer all your questions in one go so sorry about that. For you second question, Soohan would untangle everything when the story would almost reach its end. J... PurpleHeart

    bless your heart i guess i'll put this on hold till its finished

    little fighter March 19, 2025 9:55 pm
    No and no. He never cheated kmizuno

    So, Yeonseo was his first then?

    kmizuno March 20, 2025 10:49 am
    So, Yeonseo was his first then? little fighter

    Tbh I'm not sure if he had a relationship here and there while he was studying in Europe but I'll try to find out and let you know.

    Ilikeyoui March 20, 2025 11:23 am
    did the mc cheat on ml? and did the mc have sex with the chief or sth nickhyun

    Right? I saw a comment saying he did have an affair with the chief pre amnesia

    Senior March 20, 2025 2:22 pm

    Just read the spoiler comment ... and saw one saying uke get pregnant and remember and left right after .. is it true ??? Will he return or not ... can you give spoiler to this part .. how they get together and why uke left ???? Correct me if I get some things wrong ... please

    PurpleHeart March 20, 2025 5:37 pm
    Right? I saw a comment saying he did have an affair with the chief pre amnesia Ilikeyoui

    If I remember correctly, in the novel it was never really clarified because Original Suhan only returns for eight chapters in the main storyline.

    In the novel Amnesiac Suhan is blackmailed of his supposed infidelity in the end of chapter 28.

    Following chapter 29, Suhan who can't remember the past, found out that the blurry photo of him with a man who is carrying Suhan at the entrance of an hotel was from 2 years ago thus before his marriage with Yeonseo. So Amnesiac Suhan concluded that whatever they have done in this hotel it would not be considered an affair because it happened before Yeonseo and Suhan marriage.

    PurpleHeart March 20, 2025 5:59 pm
    Just read the spoiler comment ... and saw one saying uke get pregnant and remember and left right after .. is it true ??? Will he return or not ... can you give spoiler to this part .. how they get togeth... Senior

    Firstly, Suhan never leave Yeonseo but intended to.

    Original Suhan returns at chapter 34 in the novel in the middle/end of his pregnancy.
    The main storyline have 41 chapters so we have 7 chapters of Original Suhan returns.
    Because Original Suhan doesn't remember the period of time when he has amnesia, he felt like Yeonseo took advantage of his vulnerable state so Suhan (once again) couldn't forgive Yeonseo.
    Suhan wanted to leave Yeonseo but him and Yeonseo made a contract for it because Suhan was pregnant and Suhan didn't want to raise the baby.
    That's why they agreed that after his pregnancy Suhan would leave the baby to Yeonseo. He decided that after the pregnancy he would pack his bags and leave Yeonseo.

    But in the end they make up so it's okay !