Wat a wild ride

I_be_crying March 15, 2025 10:00 am

I feel like hes a lil too self aware to be in StockholmSyndrome no? Up until 5 mins before the end he was on some "fuck this psycho" type energy...idk im unfamiliar with that type of psychosis

    coffeedrinker March 17, 2025 4:02 pm

    I mean, if it helps, stockholm syndrome is... well, debatable if it's even real, making it questionable how to determine accurate portrayal. The origin of stockholm syndrome is a female hostage who critiqued the police force tasked with rescuing her for their incompetence, how their actions nearly got her killed, etc. and how she felt more in danger from the reckless actions of the police than her captors. To try to discredit her, make her sound crazy and make their law enforcement avoid scrutiny, she was accused and made out to be brainwashed. Most real world cases (at least that have been reported in the news) are similar in many ways.
    Otherwise, the real term would be trauma bonding or fall under PTSD.
    So idk, I think it can kinda be treated like a fantasy disorder almost.

    I_be_crying March 17, 2025 6:39 pm
    I mean, if it helps, stockholm syndrome is... well, debatable if it's even real, making it questionable how to determine accurate portrayal. The origin of stockholm syndrome is a female hostage who critiqued th... coffeedrinker

    Oh waow i had no idea!! So i guess theres really no right or wrong way to depict it really. Thank you for this!!